“Quit lying to your daughter, Wayne. It’s not just ‘at times’ you’re stubborn.”
Chelsea looked at her dad to see him biting his lip to keep from laughing, then he shrugged when he caught her eye.
“What can I say? She knows me.”
Sylvia entered the room and handed Chelsea a cup of hot tea, then sat beside her.
“You don’t know where he is?”
“No. I have no clue, and I have no idea how to go about finding him.”
“Did you ask the men?”
“Yeah, I asked them last week, but they didn’t know.”
“Have you forgotten you have a brother who could probably find him?”
“Eli can’t do that. He’d get into trouble.”
“I doubt that. I’m not saying he needed to look in a computer at work, I’m saying he has a lot of friends around town.” Sylvia raised her eyebrow.
“I never thought of that.”
“I’m sure Eli would help you.”
After spending time with her parents, she decided to visit Eli and see if he’d help her find Colt.
As she pulled up to his house, she smiled when she saw him with Lily, building a snowman, then burst out laughing when Lily threw a snowball at him and ran from him, giggling as he chased her.
Chelsea blew the horn, making Eli and Lily look her way. Eli picked up Lily and strode toward her SUV. She got out to meet them.
“Hey, sis. What’s up?”
Chelsea smiled at Lily. “Hey, Lilypad.”
“Aunt Chels,” Lily said as she put her arms out to her, and Chelsea took her from Eli.
“Can you find out where Colt is for me?” she asked, then nibbled on her lip.
“I suppose I can ask around. You haven’t heard from him?”
She shook her head and quickly wiped a tear away before Lily saw it.
“Hey, Chelsea.”
Chelsea looked toward the porch to see Lorna on the porch.
“Hi, Lorna.”
“Come in out of the cold.”
“I’m heading home. I just wanted to ask Eli something.”
“Oh, okay. If you’re sure. I have tea.”
Chelsea and Eli laughed, making Lorna frown.
“I just came from Mom and Dad’s—”