Page 14 of Colt

“I still think you should go for it. If you’re both unattached, why not? Have some hot sex.”

“What makes you think it would be hot?” Chelsea grinned.

“Uh, have you seen him?” Lorna laughed.

“Well, yeah, there’s that. But it’s been so long since I’ve had sex, I’m sure I’ve forgotten how to do it. Although Colt could probably remind me.” She sighed. “But he works for me and things could get complicated if it didn’t work out.”

Lorna tilted her head. “You still have a crush on him.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a crush. Maybe just a strong attraction.” Chelsea sighed. “He looks damn good in those jeans.”

“I remember thinking the same about Eli when he came to the ranch for the horses. I couldn’t take my eyes off his ass in those tight Wranglers.”

“Please, don’t talk about my brother like that. It’s just weird.” Chelsea shook her head.

“Oh, it wasn’t just his ass.” Lorna snorted out a laugh at Chelsea’s eye roll.

“Enough with the details.”

“Fine, fine. So, do you want to join us for lunch?”

“Definitely. Let me change and then we can head to the diner.”

“Yay! I want a hangburger, Mama,” Lily said.

“It’s hamburger, sweetie,” Lorna corrected.

“But Daddy says hangburger,” Lily insisted.

“Only for you.” Lorna looked at Chelsea. “I keep telling him to stop encouraging her but he loves it.”

“I’m so glad he’s happy. He loves you both so much, and I love that she calls him, ‘daddy’.”

“He loves it too, and we feel the same about him. I can’t wait to marry him. Now go change.” Lorna waved her off.

“I’ll be quick.” Chelsea went to change and then met them in the kitchen before they headed to Clifton for lunch.

Chapter Three

Colt stood inside the barn, observing as the women and Lily piled into Lorna’s SUV. He realized he was hungry; it seemed like a long time since breakfast. With purposeful strides, he made his way through the barn, pausing to watch a few riders enter from the other end. He saw Brian and Jett approach them and offer help. Riders were to cool their own horses, but assistance was provided if desired.

Colt walked over to them and nodded at a blonde woman on a palomino horse who smiled at him.

“Hello,” she greeted him.

“Ma’am. Did you have a good ride?” Colt asked.

“I did. This is my first time here. I came with Janie; she boards three horses here.” The woman grinned. “I know I’ll be coming back now.”

Colt smirked, touched his hat, and replied, “Well, we’d be happy to have you again.”

He left the barn, aware of her gaze following him. He chuckled, thinking about how some women were more open about their interest in a man. However, Colt had a strict policy against pursuing clients or engaging in any romantic activities with employees while on the clock. It was an offense that would result in immediate termination, a rule instilled by Walt. And Colt upheld it; in all the years he had been here, only three people had been fired for breaking that rule.

It could create complications, and Cotton Boarding Stables was known for being strict about enforcing rules for both clients and employees. If there was a mutual attraction between a client and worker, they could pursue it outside of the ranch grounds.

Frowning slightly, Colt wondered if Chelsea planned to change the name of the ranch; she hadn’t done so yet, even though she had only been here for two weeks while settling into her new home.

As the afternoon progressed, the heat intensified and Colt found himself drenched in sweat while cleaning out a stall. He leaned the rake against the wall, removed his hat, then his shirt, wiping his chest with it before hanging it up. After putting his hat back on, he picked up the rake and continued working.