Page 11 of Colt

“Like I said, you two are the best parents.” She stood up from the table. “I better head home. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too. Be safe going home.”

“I will. Bye.” Chelsea walked out of the house, a smile plastered on her face, and got into her car. As she drove to her place, the feeling of excitement and gratitude filled her heart and brought a smile to her lips. She couldn’t wait to make her dream become a reality.


Two weeks later, Tricia hugged Colt and got into the car. Colt turned to Walt and reached out his hand. Walt shook his head and pulled him into a hug. Colt chuckled, knowing he would miss this man greatly.

“You’re in good hands, Colt. Chelsea will keep this place running successfully.”

“I know, but I’ll miss you and Tricia.”

“We’ll miss you too, but we’re getting too old for this. Chelsea is young and passionate about this opportunity. She won’t let it fail, and I know you won’t either.”

“No, sir. I’ll do everything I can for it.”

“I know you will, son.” Walt looked around the area. “I will miss this.”

“I’ll keep you updated on how things are going.”

“Send some photos to Tricia. I’m not very tech-savvy, but she is.” Walt grinned.

Colt chuckled. “Yeah, I have her email address. I promise to stay in touch.”

“You better or else I’ll come back.”

“Well, if that’s all it takes for you to come back, then I won’t be keeping in touch.”

Walt laughed. “If only I were forty years younger, I’d stay. But these old bones can’t handle it anymore.”

“You’ll love retirement.”

“Walt? Honey, we need to go or we’ll miss our flight,” Tricia called from inside the car.

“Well, you heard the boss, I should get going.” Walt hugged Colt one last time. “You’re the son I never had, Colt. I trust you to keep this place thriving.”

“I will,” Colt said with a lump in his throat.

As the car drove away down the driveway, Colt watched until they disappeared. He took a deep breath and walked back into the barn to continue working.

A few days later, as he walked along the barn’s aisle, he saw Brian and Jett standing at the open barn doors.

“What are you two up to?” he asked, laughing when they both jumped and turned around. “You look guilty.”

Brian laughed. “We’re just watching the new boss move into the house.”

“Damn, I was hoping it was all a bad dream,” Colt muttered, making the two men laugh.

“Shit, she’s coming this way,” Jett whispered before quickly hiding.

“I should get back to work,” Brian said, scurrying off to one of the stalls.

Colt shook his head. He wasn’t going to run away from her.

“Good morning, Colt,” Chelsea greeted him as she approached.

“Morning. Looks like you’re getting settled.”