Page 54 of Colt

“Nothing to be afraid of. He’s a pussycat.” Chelsea laughed.

“Yeah, you get arrested by him and see how much of a pussycat he is,” Joey muttered.

“It’ll be fine.” Chelsea turned to look at him. “I promise. Come on, let’s get inside.”

They entered the kitchen, all groaning at the smells of dinner cooking.

Chelsea saw Eli enter the room. He hugged her, shook hands with Colt, and put his hand out to Joey, whose face lit up with a grin as he shook Eli’s hand. Lorna entered, hugged her, and smiled at Colt and Joey.

When Lily ran into the kitchen, she giggled when she saw Colt and put her arms up to him. He grinned and lifted her.

Her parents shook Joey and Colt’s hands then Lorna introduced her father to them. Colt shook his hand. Joey hesitated, but when Marcus Palmer put his hand out to him, Joey grinned and shook it, then Sylvia ushered them from the kitchen, while Lorna and Chelsea stayed behind to help.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room watching a football game and groaning from eating too much. Colt sat on the floor with his back against the sofa where Chelsea sat. She wanted to reach out and touch his soft hair but didn’t. She leaned forward and whispered to him,

“Did you get enough to eat?”

He nodded. “Your mom is a hell of a cook.”

“Yes, she is. I’m sure you’ll be taking some home with you.”

Colt grinned. “I’ll take it.” Then he yawned. “Time for a nap.”

“I think we all agree with that.” Chelsea glanced around the room to see everyone relaxing and her dad with his head back and his eyes closed.

It had been a good day. A lot of laughter and teasing between her and Eli. Since he was her big brother, he aggravated the hell out of her. She smiled when she thought about him shaking Joey’s hand, and the boy seemed so happy.

Later, as they drove back to her ranch, she glanced in the mirror to see Joey with his eyes closed, then she looked at Colt to see him the same way. She stopped at the porch, and everyone got out.

“Thank you for inviting me, Chelsea,” Joey said with a shy grin.

“You’re very welcome. I hope you had a good time and enjoy those leftovers.”

He held the bag up. “Guess what I’ll be eating for the next few days?”

Colt chuckled. “Same here. I appreciate you asking me too, Chelsea.”

“You’re welcome. Both of you go home and rest. I know I’m going to.”

Colt stared at her, nodded, then walked to his truck, as did Joey, then they drove off. Chelsea walked up the steps, carrying her leftovers, entered the house, and closed the door behind her.


Colt was buried in working on the payroll Monday when Chelsea walked into his office. He leaned back in his chair as she approached, and straddled his lap once she reached him.

She whispered in his ear, “I missed you last night.”

“I wish we had gotten together,” he replied while holding her waist.

“I thought you were too tired,” she explained.

“I was, but I still wanted to hold you all night.”

“We can do that tonight,” she promised, nibbling on his earlobe and sending shivers down his spine.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Not as much as I am.” She stood up and asked, “What time should I come over?”