Page 42 of Colt

“Yes, sir.”

Colt nodded and left the bunkhouse, making his way to the barn where they kept their feed supplies. As winter approached, he needed to check their stock and possibly order more. It was always better to have more than not enough on a ranch like this. After taking inventory of the feed, Colt contacted Ash Beckett to arrange for a couple of truck loads to be delivered.

As the day went on, Colt worked in the barns while the rest of the employees were out working on other tasks. There was always something that needed to be done to keep the ranch running smoothly.

Even though the horses did not belong to the ranch, they were cared for as if they did. This was one of the reasons why most people trusted them with their animals. The Cotton boarding stables had a stellar reputation, thanks in part to its dedicated staff members.

Colt couldn’t help but smile as he thought about Chelsea; she was constantly on his mind and he wanted her every minute of every day. It was tough being around her and not being able to touch her in some way. Even though they had decided to keep their relationship hidden from the employees, it was going well so far.

As Colt continued working in the barn, his phone buzzed with a message. He pulled it out of his T-shirt pocket and grinned when he saw that it was from Chelsea.

Dinner tonight?

He responded with a playful message.

Depends on what it is.

A few moments later, his phone buzzed again.

Okay, there is no dinner. I just want to get you naked.

Colt laughed.

I’ll be there this evening, after I grab a shower.

You can grab a shower here... with me.

Sounds good. See you later, baby.

Later, cowboy.

Putting his phone back in his pocket, Colt returned to work.

As the clock struck six, he was sitting in his office when there was a knock on the door.

“Yeah, come in,” he called out.

The door opened and the men entered the room. Suddenly, Colt remembered about the envelopes that had been left for him. He quickly retrieved them from the drawer and handed them out to each man.

“Do any of you have an idea what this is?” Jett asked, holding his envelope up toward the light coming through the window.

Colt shook his head, “No clue. I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

The men left the office and Colt was left with one envelope that had his name on it. He stared at it thoughtfully before getting up and putting it in his back pocket.

As he walked out of the barn into the cool evening air, he couldn’t help but take a moment to appreciate the beautiful sunset over the mountains. The sky was painted shades of red, orange, and yellow.

He walked up the steps to the house and knocked. The door opened, revealing the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when he noticed she wore a robe.

“Hi, you look ready for bed,” he said with a grin.

“More than ready. Come in.”

“I need a shower. I should go home first.”

“First?” She tilted her head and grinned.

“You know what I mean.”