Chelsea parked in front of Paige’s store and went inside, only to find it packed with customers.
“Hey, Chels,” Paige greeted her.
“Paige.” Chelsea exclaimed as she hugged her friend. “It’s so busy in here today.”
“We’ve been non-stop all day. I haven’t even had time for lunch,” Paige replied with a weary smile.
“Lunch was two hours ago,” Chelsea pointed out playfully.
“I know, but I can’t leave right now. Even Nick is too busy to come to town.” Nick Richards owned a Christmas tree farm that required constant attention, even when it wasn’t close to Christmas.
“How about I go grab us some salads and we can eat in your office?” Chelsea suggested.
“Oh, Chels, I’d love you forever,” Paige said gratefully.
“Pffft, you’ll love me anyway,” Chelsea teased with a grin.
“True,” Paige admitted with a laugh.
“I’ll be right back. I know exactly what to get you.” Chelsea smiled and then left the store, checking for traffic before crossing the street. When she entered the diner, she was met with a packed house full of tourists.
“Chelsea, honey, grab a seat if you can find one. I’ll be right with you,” Connie, the owner, said as she walked by.
“I just need two Southern fried chicken salads with ranch dressing, to go, whenever you have a minute,” Chelsea told her.
“Alright, hon. Let me set these dinners down and I’ll let Owen know,” Connie replied with a smile before disappearing into the kitchen.
After waiting for fifteen minutes, Chelsea saw Connie emerge with a bag and waved her over.
“I don’t know how you manage to deal with this every day, Connie.”
“Some days, I question it myself, but I can’t deny that I love it.”
“I know you do. Here’s your money.” Chelsea handed her the cash, dismissed the change, grabbed the bag, and stepped outside.
The lingering heat of the day still clung to the air, but as soon as the sun set, it would start to cool down. She quickly scanned the traffic before crossing the street and making her way into the lingerie shop. When she spotted Paige inside, she held up the bag and grinned, knowing her friend’s reaction.
They walked together back to Paige’s office and settled at her desk. Chelsea took out the salads from the bag and placed them in front of them along with the dressing and plastic forks.
“I’m starving,” Paige exclaimed as she opened her container.
“Me too.”
Paige eagerly stabbed a fork into the lettuce and brought it to her mouth, letting out a moan of pleasure after taking a bite.
“This is amazing. So, how’s life at the ranch?”
“Colt’s devastated by Mr. Cotton’s passing.”
“It’s sad. He was a wonderful man. I’m so sorry I missed the funeral. Colt’s the manager, right?”
“Yes,” Chelsea said as a blush crept up her cheeks and she silently prayed that Paige wouldn’t notice, but her hopes were dashed when Paige spoke up.
“Why are you blushing?” Paige asked curiously, tilting her head.
“Blushing? Must be the lighting. I never blush.”
“You do lie sometimes, though. And right now, that’s definitely a blush. Spill it.”