“Yeah, and they were always a pain in the ass.” He stared at her for a few seconds, letting her know which teenager he meant.
“Whatever. When Joey Callaway shows up, let me know. I told Brian too, but you might see him first. He’ll be working in the riding stable.”
“So, you’ve already made a decision about the riding stable?”
“Yes, I have.”
“I hope you realize that you need to hire a professional instructor for riding, not just one of the men.”
“A riding instructor? Why?”
“In case someone gets hurt, you could lose this place if you don’t have a qualified person overseeing things.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this when I asked you?”
He shrugged. “I wasn’t sure, so I asked someone.”
“Well then, I’ll hire someone for the job. I asked Brian if he was interested in running the stable and making sure everything goes smoothly.”
“I need him,” Colt snapped.
“We’ll leave that decision up to him.” She stared at him, and noticed his eyes drifting down to her lips. Memories from the other night flooded her mind, and she felt a blush creeping onto her face. She mentally sighed when he turned away from her and strode to the door, turned to look at her, then stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Chelsea couldn’t help but chuckle. Damn, he was hot when he was angry.
Chelsea waked to the table, pulled a chair out, and sat down. How was this going to work between them? There was so much sexual tension between them now. She could admit she wanted him again, but she knew it would only piss him off if he gave in. He was concerned about his job and she understood that so the only choice they had was to work together and nothing else.
“Yeah, okay. How do you plan to do that when anytime you see him, you want him?” She shook her head and wondered how they’d work together after having sex.
Chapter Four
As Colt strode toward his office, he stopped when he heard Brian calling out his name.
“Hey, Brian, what’s up?”
“Am I going to get into trouble for telling you she asked me about the riding stable?”
“Hell, Brian. I have no idea. I doubt it, but she said it was up to you.”
“I’m not interested but I’m afraid to tell her.”
Colt smirked. “No need to be afraid to tell her. It’s your decision.” He shrugged. “It could mean more money for you.”
“I don’t care about the money. I’d rather just stay where I am.”
“That’s fine with me. I’d rather not lose you but make sure you let her know as soon as you can.”
“I will. Thanks, Colt.”
He nodded, entered his office, closed the door, and sat behind his desk. He leaned back in the chair, clasped his hands across his stomach, and closed his eyes, but quickly opened them when Chelsea appeared behind his eyelids.
“Shit,” he muttered as he ran his hand down his face.
He just needed to stay the hell away from her. Colt groaned as he thought about how hard that would be since they worked together, and they had to communicate with each other.
Pushing the chair back, he stood, strode around the desk, and entered the barn then walked out the back and headed home. It was his day off and he usually never came to the barns, but when Brian called him and told him about Chelsea asking him to run the riding stable, Colt saw red. Brian was his best worker and he’d be damned if he’d let him go without a fight. He’d been so angry when he left the house to confront her, then he saw her and had to get away from her or he’d take her to bed.
“You know better,” he chastised himself, as he climbed into his truck and drove home.