Page 56 of Clan and Crave

“It isn’t anything new. There continues to beevidence someone is entering the stables. Small footprints andweird sightings continue.”

“The ghost boy?”

Conyod nodded, swallowing as he reflected onhis mother’s report. “He’s seen mostly at a distance and disappearswhen anyone investigates. Funny enough, my father Vel insistseveryone leave the stables alone and stay away from the…phantom. Mymother thinks he saw the ghost and recognized him, but he refusesto discuss it.”

“I thought Vel didn’t believe in suchthings.”

“He insists there’s no ghost, but she sayshe’s as on edge as the rest. A couple of the ranch hands havethreatened to quit. Too many mysteries.”

“Wow. A real-life haunting. Your family, Velin particular, seems too down to earth to put credence in suchideas.” Sletran’s fascinated expression suddenly froze as he lookedahead of them.

Conyod searched to see what had claimed hisattention, though his heart knew. Sure enough, Erybet was in view,hurrying from one building to the next. As if he felt theirattention, he glanced their way. His progress slowed, and for amoment, Conyod thought he’d come and talk to them.

Instead, the beautiful Dramok resumed hiscourse, averting his gaze. Conyod watched him enter the buildinghe’d been heading for and disappear from sight.

He swallowed heaviness in his throat. “How ishe?”

“I don’t see a lot of him, except oninspection days. I have to think he’s doing better since Zyrf wastransferred to another site and a different high commander tookover his battalions. We’re Akrij’s group now.”

“No breedism from that quarter?” Conyodcouldn’t help but eye the structure Erybet had gone in, wishing theDramok would emerge so they could at least say hello.

“Akrij takes personal care of his troops,much like Erybet. From what little I’ve heard, they get alongextremely well.” Sletran eyed Conyod, a sense of melancholysettling on his features at what he saw. “You haven’t gotten overhim.”

“I’m trying. I’d half-hoped he’d contact usto at least talk when you told me he and Tox stopped seeing eachother.”

“Yeah, well, maybe he isn’t ready to settledown. I think you were the first guy to hit his radar as an actualpotential clanmate. He’s no doubt playing the field, like the vastmajority of soldiers.”

Conyod noted Sletran’s frown. “What? Who’s hesleeping with these days?”

“No one. I’ve heard jokes about him takingcelibacy vows and becoming a priest. One fellow squad leader askedif you and I had ruined him for everyone else.”

“What did you say?”

“I might have said something along the linesof ruining the shithead’s ability to walk for the rest of his life.He was being a real asshole…I have the idea he tried to seduceErybet and was firmly turned down.”

Conyod laughed, his better spirits lifting atSletran’s menacing smirk. He had the feeling his lover had taken asmuch pleasure in defending Erybet as he had in telling theirritating shithead off.

He didn’t voice his suspicions Sletran wasn’tquite over the Dramok commander either. Instead, he teased, “Such aNobek response.”

“I despise that guy. One of these days he’llgive me a real reason to hurt him. I can’t say I’m not lookingforward to it.”

* * * *

Erybet read the supply and requisitions staffthe riot act for delaying a delivery he’d expected the day prior.In short order, he received ardent apologies and assurances itwouldn’t happen again. Satisfied he’d made his point, he left thebuilding and stood in front of its door.

He caught sight of Conyod’s and Sletran’sbacks as they entered the mess hall. A sense of loss reverberatedthrough him as they went in the structure, leaving his view.

He hadn’t seen Conyod in weeks. Erybet hadmade it a point to avoid roaming the grounds where the Imdiko mightbe when the time came for his regular visits to Sletran. Regret hadmade it painful to see his young and shining face…the regret Erybetexperienced now.

Sletran was a problem for him as well, andhe’d gone to great lengths to avoid the Nobek when possible. Akrijhad told Erybet of the squad leader’s impassioned defense of himbefore the panel. Sletran’s allegations had resulted in aninvestigation into Zyrf’s activities as they related to Erybet.Akrij had discovered Group Commander Tox had agreed to watch Erybetclosely for negligence on Zyrf’s behalf. Erybet’s lover had beenoffered a promotion if he could offer proof of said negligence. Asa result, Erybet had put an end to their affair. Zyrf and Tox hadbeen sent to less favorable bases and warned further mischief wouldresult in demotions.

For his part, Erybet acknowledged he’d fuckedup. He’d lost his chance at not only a relationship with Conyod,but also a Nobek of impeccable honor. A Nobek he should have jumpedthrough hoops to impress.

How could he have been so blind, Erybetwondered as he trudged toward his office, unable to face the pairin the dining hall. He’d lost his appetite anyway. In the aftermathof fending off Zyrf’s attempt to get him in trouble and Tox’sduplicity, his dismissal of Sletran’s dependability because it hadfelt boring…Erybet barked a bitter laugh…was the height ofstupidity. Right now, he’d give his arm for a lover he could relyon, the same lover he’d cast aside for more excitement than he'dwanted.

Talk to him. Talk to them both. Maybe itisn’t too late.

He’d heard those words in his head in themonths after Conyod had walked off on him. Since Sletran had riskedhis commission to defend Erybet. Since discovering Tox had turnedon him. Having caught a glimpse of Conyod and Sletran together, thepair he’d squandered a chance for from misplaced Dramokstubbornness to have what he thought he’d desired, they echoedloudly in his head once again.