Page 47 of Clan and Crave

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“Erybet isn’t there?” Conyod asked insurprise as he gazed at Sletran’s vid-com image.

“I’m on my own and missing you more than aNobek should say.”

Sletran’s grin was strained. He strove to belight, but Conyod noted the tension in his voice. “What’s going on,my Nobek?”

Perhaps hearing him claim him as his clanmatewas why Sletran’s smile closed in on the real thing. “I hate toupset you over what might be nothing. But…well, Erybet is seeinganother Nobek. He’s still attracted to you. I don’t think I’m quitewhat he’s looking for, however.”

“That’s…that’s ridiculous. How can anyonecompare to you?” Conyod wasn’t trying to console or complimentSletran. He was sincere.

No Nobek was Sletran’s equal. There had to bea mistake.

“I’ve learned Erybet and this other guy havea history. Until he clans a Nobek, he can enjoy as many others ashe wishes. Besides, this other guy has higher rank than I—”

“Screw rank. He isn’t you.”

Sletran chuckled. His whole demeanor hadlightened under Conyod’s heated protest. “It could be Erybet hopesto introduce you to him.”

Conyod snorted. “No thanks. As far as I’mconcerned, you and I are a package deal. If he doesn’t have thesense to want you, then I don’t want him.”

Except he did. His attachment to Erybet wasgrowing strong. Nonetheless, he couldn’t imagine life withoutSletran after waiting so long for the Nobek to realize they couldhave a relationship. The idea of losing Erybet as a potentialDramok hurt…Mother of All, it hurt like hell…but he’d never give upSletran.

An hour of talking to Sletran had kept thedepressed feelings minimal, but they woke in full after their comended. Conyod stared into space, his mind not registering anythingin his small common room. All he saw was Sletran and Erybet sittingnext to him in the restaurant, laughing and talking of the manyexperiences they had in common.

He’d thought the pair had hit it off. Givenwhat Sletran had said later, when Erybet wasn’t present, he wascertain his Nobek love had believed it as well. Hadn’t they threebeen in perfect sync when it came to physical relations? It sure ashell had felt so. How had Sletran fallen short?

He didn’t.

Conyod blew a heavy breath and gazed at thecom unit in his hand. Erybet had left a message earlier, tellingConyod he was looking forward to his next visit and to pleasecontact him. “I need to hear your voice, even if you can’t comuntil late,” the Dramok had said, feeling filling his voice.

Do you? Or am I just being naïve in thinkingwe had a chance for the whole deal?

There was only one way to find out. Conyodwasn’t sure he wished to know for certain, but it was better tolearn the truth now before he invested anymore in Erybet.

“The trouble is, I’m uninterested in casualrelationships,” he breathed to the room. “Maybe I’m in the minoritywhen affairs of heart are involved. Maybe I am naïve to dream thefirst Dramok I became attached to would be the man to love. As Idid Sletran.”

He wondered if it was something he shouldbring up to Dr. Hupsan. Was he a hopeless romantic or too graspingwhen it came to relationships?

He was sure of one thing: if Erybet rejectedSletran as a potential clanmate, it was the same as rejectingConyod. There was no question in his mind where his Nobek wasconcerned.

“Com Erybet,” he told the unit. “Vidaccess.”

As if he’d been waiting, Erybet shimmeredinto view a mere second later. “There you are! I was wondering ifyou’d com tonight.”

Conyod swallowed at the sight of thebeautiful man who appeared so glad to speak to him. “Hey. I wastalking to Sletran for a while.”

The Dramok’s expression failed to change.“Oh. Yeah, he had a tough day in the field. Did he tell you aboutthe morons who tried to blow up their squad?”

“He had a few choice words.”

“I imagine he did. I do too, but there’s nohope for a perfect trainee squad. The shallow end of the gene poolshows up in every place in some fashion.”

“I suppose. He also mentioned you’re lessserious than we’d assumed when it comes to our potentialrelationship. I guess I read your intentions wrong?”

Erybet’s gaze was intent. “You didn’t,Conyod. I’m very interested in continuing to explore ourrelationship…yours and mine. Sletran is a great guy, an impressivesoldier, and as good a Nobek as can be found…but as my futureNobek? I’m uncertain it would work.”

“I promise you won’t find a better member ofthe warrior caste. Sletran is definitely the best of his breed.”Conyod decided to be as clear as possible. “I can’t imagine anyoneelse for my Nobek.”