Page 45 of Clan and Crave

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Conyod went to work at the hospital’s mentalhealth ward feeling energetic, courtesy of stim tabs and painreliever. He greeted patients brightly, and his upbeat mood seemedto infect them and his fellow staff. Though he had moments duringwhich he was distracted, no one minded in the environment of hishappy presence.

The night of lovemaking put a glow onConyod’s surroundings. He knew it was too early to think abouttheir future, but he felt a certainty anyway. He, Sletran, andErybet been so good together. His feet barely touched the floor ashe walked the corridors between appointments. He was tempted to comthe pair throughout the day, but as a newer staff member, it wouldhave been frowned upon. He let the anticipation build instead.

When he got home to his small apartment, hewas a little let down to be alone. When he checked his personal comunit, he found both Nobek and Dramok had left him warm messages. “Ican’t wait to see you,” Erybet had said. “Let me know as soon asyou can come back.”

“I couldn’t wait until later to tell you lastnight was terrific,” Sletran told him. “Com me at the usual timetonight. Erybet said he wasn’t available, so I’ll be waiting.”

The com messages from his mother insisting hecall as soon as possible, all seven of them, couldn’t shake himfrom his bliss. He checked the time. Seeing he had an hour beforehe was due to talk to Sletran, he decided to deal with whatever shewas so eager to tell him first.

“Finally!” Lafec said as her greeting. “Whydid it take you so long to com me?”

“I was at work. I figured following theemergency leave, I’d better concentrate on my job rather thananswering personal coms.” He let humor color his tone, refusing tobe drawn in whatever drama she was eager to share.

“It could have been an emergency.”

“If so, it wouldn't have been just you tryingto get hold of me. Is Dresk okay?”

“Yes, and so am I and your fathers,” she saidsignificantly.

Conyod winced, a jab of guilt disturbing hismood. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound as if I were moreinterested in his welfare than yours…it’s just he was the one whowas recently sick.”

She sighed. “He’s doing well. Chasing themares, as if he wasn’t hanging on by a thread only days ago.Typical male beast.”

“What else is going on?”

“The ghost.”

A thread of disquiet wove in Conyod’s gut.“It’s back?”

“Someone’s roaming the stables. Both Norefand Rata saw the boy in white the night you left.”

“Vel says they’re the most likely to getdrunk once they knock off for the day.”

“Then who’s leaving bero sticks in thekestarsh stalls? We don’t have any bero to feed them because we ranout earlier this week.”

Conyod blinked. Plenty of the farms near ClanTuher’s ranch grew the root vegetable, but his parents didn’t. HisImdiko father was in charge of supplies. “Maybe Sema bought it anddidn’t tell you?”

“He scheduled delivery for today. We hadplenty of the other feed, but not bero until this afternoon.” Hervoice lowered. “Most of the leaves, which the kestarsh won’t eat,were in Yemasel’s stall.”


“You know the kestarsh she resembles.”

His discomfort increased because he did. “Shelooks like tons of other kestarsh. Her coloring is fairlytypical.”

“She’s the same height and build as Ges.Yemasel sleeps in her old stall. Ges was his favorite. Andhe always snuck her extra bero.”

“Did Noref and Rata get a good look—”

“Tuher, Conyod’s on the com. Come say hello.”Her voice was abruptly cheerful, letting him know she didn’t wanthis Dramok father to learn she’d been talking about the strangevisitation.

The men spoke briefly, and Tuher confirmedDresk was behaving as if he’d never been sick a day in his life.Nothing else about the ghost boy was said.

Chapter Eleven

Sletran left Medical and decided to walk hisreport to Erybet’s office rather than send it via com channels. Hehadn’t seen his commanding officer since the night they’d spentwith Conyod. After the morning he’d had…and the morning was onlyhalf done…he needed a lift. He hoped visiting the man heincreasingly hoped would become his and Conyod’s third wouldprovide much needed encouragement.