“Tox, huh?” Sletran was vaguely aware there’dbeen rumors of a past encounter between the pair. It hadn’t soundedvery serious.
“They’ve been off and on the past couple ofyears. If Erybet’s returning his current interest, I haven’t seenit. He’s too wrapped up in your boyfriend.”
Sletran had silently agreed with Decta’sassessment. He doubted Tox was anywhere on Erybet’s radar whileConyod was an option.
Now he stood in his quarters, where he hadn’tfound the Imdiko at the end of his shift. Conyod had picked up theinstant he’d buzzed his com.
“I’m in Erybet’s office. He says hurry hereso we can figure out where to have dinner.”
Dinner in the company of the Dramok again.Sletran wondered if Erybet was serious about pursuing possibleclanship. He experienced a slight twinge of conscience since hismain interest in his superior officer was the hope of forming aclan and making Conyod his for life.
I like Erybet, though. I don’t doubt it hasthe chance to go beyond mere liking.
“I’ll be right there. Give me a few minutesto shower,” he said, hope lifting his already high spirits.
* * * *
Conyod caught himself laughing too hard atsomething Sletran had said. Diners at nearby tables glance at him.He quieted, his face heating.
I’ve had too much to drink. Judgingfrom the amused glances from his dinner partners, they’dnoticed.
At least they were in a more casualrestaurant than the one they’d gone to the night before. There werea large number of soldiers present, still in their uniforms. Mostcrowded the bar in the middle of the establishment, but half thetables were taken by those who’d obviously come from the nearbybase.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m done where bohut’sconcerned, I guess.”
“You’re fine. I fully endorse you enjoyingyourself.” Erybet patted his back. The Dramok hadn’t been shy whenit came to touching him during the meal, whether brushing Conyod’shand, squeezing his shoulder, or patting his back.
Conyod hadn’t minded in the slightest,especially since Sletran seemed to view the attention as achallenge to make frequent contact as well. The Nobek visiblybrightened when Erybet occasionally gripped the Nobek’s shoulder asthey chuckled at some shared battle experience.
We make a good trio. Conyod hoped itwas a valid observation rather than booze asserting its filmyfilters on their camaraderie.
Imposing good sense on his tipsy state, hesaid, “I return to work tomorrow. The last thing I need is the sortof hangover stim tabs and pain inhibitor can’t cure.”
“You haven’t had that much,” Sletran said.“You’re safe with me, so no worries you’ll end up where youshouldn’t. Besides, you have the cutest giggle when you’redrunk.”
“I don’t giggle!”
“I heard a giggle last night at dinner. Atleast two tonight. It is cute,” Erybet snickered. “Hey,Sletran, he isn’t ticklish by any chance, is he?”
“His feet and behind his knees. Endlessgiggling. He sounds like a Plasian girl when he gets going.”
“You’re jerks.” Conyod pushed his half-fullglass away. He was definitely done drinking.
“Aw, Conyod. Don’t be grumpy and force me totickle you.” Erybet leaned close and nuzzled his ear.
“You’d hate to be tickled in front ofeveryone here.” Sletran’s arm curled around his waist as he tooleaned against the Imdiko.
“Don’t make me tell you to take me home. Wehaven’t had dessert, and this poor underfed doctor who hasn’t quitecompleted his internship needs to take full advantage of the groupcommander paying for his dinner.”
“Oh, you’re angling for dessert by takingadvantage of me?” Erybet’s innuendo couldn’t have been more obviousif had been a public advertisement.
“I want dessert, then I want to takeadvantage of you both. If you’re up for it.” He could be as bold asthem when it came to flirting. But he also lusted for the rich andspongy cake covered in glazed fruit he’d seen someone at the nexttable eat.
“I think you know me well enough to not needan answer,” Sletran snorted. He hesitated as he gazed at the man onConyod’s opposite side. “What about you, Dramok?”
Erybet grinned, his lovely features taking aturn for the gorgeous. “Let’s order dessert quickly before hechanges his mind.”
* * * *