Page 26 of Clan and Crave

A distant part of his mind reminded him heshould be reciprocating in some fashion. A hallmark of the Imdikobreed was their overriding urge to take care of others, often totheir own detriment. A tinge of guilt told him he wasn’t giving tohis lover, that he was taking selfishly.

He reached for Sletran, too muddled by wavesof arousal to figure out what to do beyond stroke his lover’sshaggy black hair. Not missing a beat as he enthusiasticallyfellated Conyod…the pace was picking up and rendering Conyodcompletely lost in lust…the Nobek grabbed his wrists and pinnedthem to the table surface.

His elbows no longer supporting him, Conyod’shead lolled on the polished wood. His world was pure pleasure, andhe lost all comprehension of duty to the man dealing it.

More so when Sletran abandoned his smallercock for his primary. Renewed excitement blasted through Conyod,and his legs kicked the air. He was a young Kalquorian, closer toadolescence than adulthood when it came to his sexual urges.Sletran used it against him by driving him headlong into fiercearousal.

If he’d been able to think straight, Conyodwould have been embarrassed at how quickly the Nobek coaxed him tocome. There was no denying the frenzied roil of passion the hotmouth pulling on him sent streaming from his clamoring sexes. Abrutal surge of exquisite rapture, and ribbons of semen eruptedfrom his straining primary. Sletran swallowed. The movement of histhroat strengthened the surges. Conyod’s cries echoed through theroom.

Sletran sucked until the younger man laystrengthless on the table. Growling in excitement, the Nobekfinally released his half-erect cock and yanked on the Imdiko’strousers, tugging them off so he lay naked from the waist down.

Conyod was aware of what was happening whenSletran rolled him onto his stomach, but he lacked the strength orwill to resist. He wouldn’t have anyway. He felt his lover takeposition between his limp legs, then the eager probe of slick,hungry flesh.

Growling a moan, Sletran eased his primary inConyod’s ass. The Imdiko whimpered at the burning stretch, but heoffered no attempt to pull away. He loved being taken by the Nobek.The ache of yielding to his thick cock was no match for the delightof their joining. He couldn’t deny the excitement of the callousedhand between his shoulder blades pinning him, leaving him helplessagainst the warrior’s demands.

Again, youth made Conyod arousal’s pawn. Thesteady friction of Sletran’s shaft pumping his ass and ruthlesslyrubbing his cumspot woke erotic bliss. He grew hard again, as ifmere minutes hadn’t passed since climax.

Sletran’s hand closed around his primary, andhe chuckled. “No different from Nobeks your age who are full ofhormones. Sometime, I’m going to see how often I can make you comein a single night. Maybe I’ll do it tonight.”

As if the idea excited him, Sletran’s thrustsgrew in power, his groin clapping Conyod’s ass in a quickeningtattoo. He pumped the Imdiko’s cock in rhythm. Ecstasy began togather in truth once again. Conyod gasped, his palms slapping thetabletop as need multiplied. He writhed desperately beneathSletran, his buttocks lifting to meet the cock driving betweenthem. Climax was indeed building, insisting he surrender to itsdemands.

Sletran beat him to it, but only by a matterof seconds. They shouted together, their bodies bucking andstraining as rapture claimed them. They thrashed so desperately,they tumbled from the table to the floor and scattered the seatingcushions.

At last, the violent hunger quieted. They laygasping, Sletran spooning Conyod, his cock twitching in theImdiko.

Sletran’s gentle fingertips stroked Conyod’slower abdomen. When he spoke, his voice was soft, almost as if hewere afraid of being heard. “Do you love me?”

“Yes.” The word escaped before Conyod couldgather his senses to consider the potential ramifications of hisadmission.

“Not just because I was there when thingswere at their worst? I keep thinking if a different man had beenthere instead of me…anyone would have done. You would haveconsidered anyone who intervened as a hero.”

Conyod licked his lips. He could feeleverything depended on how he responded. It wasn’t because he hadany intention of hiding the truth from Sletran…but he was afraid ifhe failed to say the words correctly, his dream, suddenly in reach,could slip through his fingers.

He turned to face the man his world revolvedaround, even when they were apart. He forced himself to look hislover in the eye. “No one else would have done. It wasn’t just thatday. It was what happened later.”

“What do you mean?”

“You were there for me, and you didn’t haveto be. You stuck by me when the police said you could go. Youshowed up for the court hearing. You visited and taught meself-defense. Even when I tracked you down in the city after Iturned eighteen and confessed I loved you and behaved like an utterass—”

“You weren’t an ass, Conyod. You were justyoung and hadn’t given yourself a chance to meet other Nobeks. Ithought you were sweet, but I felt you’d built me into someone Iwasn’t.”

“Whatever. Even then, though you put distancebetween us and wouldn’t answer my coms, you at least responded tomy texts. You were kind about it.” Conyod stroked his jaw. “Sincewe’ve reconnected in person, I’ve learned who the Nobek is behindthe glorious image I’ve had of you. You’re still my hero…but you’realso a good man. An incredible man. I’m in love with him instead ofthe icon I kept on a pedestal for so long.”

Sletran searched his face for severalbreathless seconds. When he smiled, Conyod’s heart dared to beatagain.

“I never imagined you’d become the man youare. I’m glad you grew up to become this person I want to be nearevery second of the day and night. You have no idea how glad I am,Conyod.”

It was as close as the Nobek warrior codewould allow Sletran to say the Imdiko’s love was returned. The kissSletran gave him stated it better. The love they made for the restof the night cemented the relationship.

At last, Conyod had won the man of hisdreams.

Chapter Seven

Conyod, age 19

A soft rumble and brush of fur on hisforehead woke Conyod from a nightmare of being lost in themountains, blood-streaked stone surrounding him, and the screams ofa zibger ringing in his ears. He opened his eyes to find himselfface-to-face with his yearling Dresk in the young kestarsh’sstall.

“Did I yell or something?” he mumbled,sitting up and trying to shake the remnants of sleep free. “Sorryif I woke you.”