It got better as his lovers began to explorehis body, as sentiment heated to sensuality. Conyod returned thefavor, twisting one way, then the other to experience them both. Hereveled in his beautiful and commanding Dramok, in his strong andprotective Nobek.
The dress uniforms and his nice outfit of adeep green shirt and black trousers fell from them to scatter likeleaves on the ground once his shiny black shoes and Erybet’s bootsthumped free. Their mingled arousal scents rose to enhance theatmosphere of eroticism as excitement grew. Mouths were hot onbared flesh, and moans woke the air.
“Sleeping room,” Erybet finally mumbledagainst Conyod’s lips.
They reeled and stumbled and laughed at theirreluctance to cease fondling long enough to walk the few feet tothe doorway. They didn’t so much lie down as fall on the bed, wherethey twined as if to knot themselves together so they might neverbe torn apart.
At length, Sletran and Conyod teamed up topin Erybet. Knowing his supremacy versus either of his controllingclanmates was short-lived, Conyod took every advantage he could ofthe moment. He drowned himself in the beautiful man he couldscarcely believe was his forever, licking and kissing thestruggling Dramok wherever he could reach. His lips traveled hislover’s throat and paused at the hollow where his pulse beat strongand steady. His tongue traced Erybet’s pebbled nipples, renderingtheir points stiff. Letting Sletran take hold of Erybet’s wrists,Conyod wandered downward, convincing his clan leader not to fightbeing on the bottom so strenuously by sucking throbbing, burningflesh. He fed on the sweet-spicy wetness that rewarded his efforts,then swallowed until Erybet groaned.
Ever devious, the Dramok lay lax underConyod’s ministrations. Sletran grew careless. Erybet abruptlyheaved loose of both men. Concentrating his attack on the surprisedNobek, he quickly gained the upper hand. Conyod, happy to have theopportunity to enjoy his warrior clanmate, switched to fight onErybet’s side. Sletran growled halfheartedly, already enthralled bythe benefits of Conyod’s eager mouth and tongue. The Nobeksuccumbed more readily as Erybet kissed him.
The Imdiko had tricks of his own. Erybetstretched over Sletran, pinning his wrists on either side of hishead. The position placed his erect shafts next to the Nobek’s,allowing Conyod to switch between the two men as whim dictated.Erybet had no choice but to let his youngest clanmate play andtease if he were to keep Sletran under control.
Tease, he did. Conyod had grown familiar withhow much pressure to use, how fast to go at them to bring them tothe brink; then how to ease off to thwart passion’s victory beforeit was too late. He soon had them writhing, groaning, andgrowling.
He was merciless as his own desire fed ontheirs. He tasted Erybet’s sweetish-salty pre-cum and compared itto Sletran’s slightly spicier offerings. He sucked eagerly on theirjerking forest of cocks, moving among the four shafts served to himlike an endless buffet. He felt how their pulses beat on his tonguefrom the thick veins on their lengths. His fists curled around twoat a time, pumping them so their hips jerked and they cried out.They jolted in excitement when he carefully threatened by nipping,just enough to give them thrills of dangerous play…though theirtrust was plain when they failed to battle to escape.
Mine. Forever. He bit Sletran’s innerthigh harder to leave a pink oval, marking him. Still trapped byErybet’s commanding hold, the Nobek snarled, his features bestialfrom animal delight.
Conyod courted trouble when it came to acontrol-happy Dramok, but he couldn’t resist the urge to do thesame to Erybet. His domineering clanmate hissed and told Sletran,“His turn.”
Conyod didn’t try to avoid being overcome.He’d had his fun tormenting the pair, and the time had come to dowhat an Imdiko did so well: take care of his clanmates by givingthem what served them best. The fact having his ass spanked byErybet while Sletran held him prisoner was what was required madeno difference. The warmth of the punishment for daring to mark hisDramok only enhanced his arousal. His cocks, swollen despite havingbeen touched little, grew more engorged as he was taken to task. Hefelt more the joy of being the center of their attention than thepainful swats from Erybet’s heavy palm.
Discipline took a turn for the erotic.Sletran, whose weight on his back held him curled facedown on themat with his ass in the air for Erybet’s attentions, grabbed hisprimary and stroked. Conyod shouted as desire amplified, turningthe smarting pain of the spanking to exquisite bliss. The callousedhand worked him mercilessly, and he was abruptly in danger ofshattering.
The timbre of his moans warned Sletran whenexactly to let up. He gripped the base of Conyod’s primary, denyingthe eager slide of cum seeking to erupt. Conyod wriggleddesperately, his body begging for the lightning strike of ecstasyhe knew he couldn’t have yet.
“This dancing ass wants to be fucked,” Erybetgrunted. “Keep him where he is, my Nobek.”
“On the edge of coming? No problem.”Sletran’s chuckle was evil.
Erybet ceased spanking. His legs shovedbetween Conyod’s. The Imdiko had only an instant to yield toinvasion before his clanmate shoved in deep. The slick hardnessrunning up the crack of his ass as he was filled told him Erybetfucked him with his smaller secondary.
It isn’t that damn small. He groanedat the burning strain of taking the thick girth. Then he yelped asit rubbed against his cumspot, sending a surge of rapture straightto his cocks. Sletran’s grip kept roiling passion fromescaping.
“Naughty…naughty…naughty…Imdiko,” Erybetgasped, each word punctuated by a thrust.
Conyod gathered the threads of his senses anddefiantly bellowed, “I regret nothing!”
Surprised laughter exploded from his lovers.The added weight on his back told him Erybet had collapsed on topof Sletran as he laughed.
Blanketed by the pair, Conyod was shaken bytheir continued amusement. He grinned, unseen by his chortlingclanmates. Who said sex had to be serious? Better yet, it gave hima moment of breathing room from the overwhelming craving hecouldn’t release.
“You lunatic,” Sletran panted as herecovered. “What are we going to do with him, Erybet?”
“Fuck him senseless and keep him happy?” Thepressure on Conyod lessened and the thick shaft in him shifted asthe breathless-sounding Dramok rose.
“Best therapy in the world,” Conyodconfirmed, setting off added chuckles.
“Never let it be said I don’t follow doctor’sorders.”
Erybet’s hips rocked, feeding Conyod’s asshis excitement. Sletran resumed masturbating him, and amusementfled before a tide of electrifying sensations, especially whenErybet found the perfect angle to apply friction to his cumspot.They kept at him until his soft cries warned them. Sletran clenchedthe base of his primary, and Erybet slid loose. He spanked Conyodonce more, demanding the young man control his lust.
Then he was in him again. His larger shaftfilled Conyod. There was no escaping the exquisite friction of thegreater girth rubbing where craving lived. The Imdiko beat hisfists on the mat as his Dramok rode him hard and Sletran continuedto block him from orgasm.
“Going to fill…this tight hole…with my cum,”Erybet gasped. “My Imdiko…my Conyod…always…”