Erybet almost got past him without speaking,but the urge to do so overwhelmed him. He swung around and spoke tothe departing soldier. “Squad Leader.”
Did he imagine Sletran’s shoulders saggingjust a bit when he turned to respond? “Sir.”
“I suppose Conyod spoke to you of ourexchange before he left yesterday?”
Still no emotion. “He did, sir.”
“I hope you understand I have the highestregard for you as a soldier and Nobek. I have enjoyed our timetogether, but my preferences aren’t quite compatible where you’reconcerned.”
The barest hint of a smile ghosted Sletran’slips, but he seemed resigned rather than amused. It made Erybetwonder if he’d seen him as more than a means to clan Conyod.“Sounds like the old saying, ‘it’s me, not you.’”
A pang of regret surprised Erybet. He set itaside. “I suppose it does, but it’s true. Maybe I’ve been foolish.Maybe you are exactly what Conyod wants for a lifemate. If it’s thecase, I wish you both the happiness you deserve.”
Sletran’s brows rose. After a beat, he said,“Thank you, sir. I wish the same for you. I know Conyod does aswell.”
Loss wash over Erybet. If only Conyod hadgiven Tox a chance, he felt perfect happiness would have been inreach. “I’ll see you around.”
He turned and left, the loneliest in his lifedespite the many soldiers filling the grounds.
* * * *
Two weeks later
Sletran stood in front of High CommandersZyrf, Nesmar, and Akrij in a tribunal chamber, schooling hisexpression to remain as bland as he possibly could. Fortunately, hehad plenty of practice in the discipline of doing so.
He drew a breath and forced his tone toremain even as he looked Zyrf square in the eye. “In reply to yourquestion, sir, once again I must repeat Group Commander Erybet hasbeen an outstanding superior officer since I’ve come under hiscommand. I’ve noted no instance of neglect of his duties. He’s hardbut fair. His attention to the discipline of soldiers Gavia andToli was by the book. As it was I who was on the field running theexplosives exercise, trusted by Commander Erybet to oversee theirtraining, it was ultimately my responsibility for any problems thatday, rather than him.”
Zyrf’s withering glare increased, probablybecause he wasn’t hearing what he wished. “Group Commander Erybetwas a lover of yours recently, was he not?”
“Yes sir. Was. We are no longerengaged in a relationship outside of our duties. Sir.”
“Plenty of commanding officers engagepersonally with lower ranking soldiers. They clan them as well. Aslong as they follow the rules during the course of an intimaterelationship, it’s of no consequence,” High Commander Akrijreminded Zyrf from his seat behind the polished wood stand. He satin the middle of the group who looked down on Sletran, who stoodalone on the glossy marble floor.
“As his lover, he has reason to protectErybet,” Zyrf growled. “A personal connection during the time ofthe incident could have easily led to a coverup of some sort.”
“We can discuss the idea during ourdeliberations, but in our investigation thus far, no one has notedit as a problem. High Commander Nesmar, do you have furtherquestions for Squad Leader Sletran?”
“High Commander Zyrf?”
Zyrf scowled. “No. You’re dismissed, SquadLeader.”
Sletran felt a sense of relief he’d be ableto escape before the possibility of his simmering emotionsexploding. He bowed and turned to face the gallery, filled withempty benches. It had been a closed interview, so no one beyondhimself and the three high commanders were in attendance.
He started toward the door leading from theoverly warm chamber…then paused. He looked at Akrij, who had areputation for fairness.
Don’t do it. This could screw you overbadly.
His mouth spoke anyway. “Permission to speakcandidly to this board, sir?”
Akrij’s brow rose. “Granted.”
“Thank you, sir.” Sletran squared hisshoulders. “Though High Commander Zyrf has never shown overtdisrespect to Group Commander Erybet in the past to my knowledge,his dislike of having a Dramok of command rank serving under him iswell known.”
Zyrf half-rose from his chair. “Youinsubordinate—”
“Desist,” Akrij warned him. “I’m rankingmember of this inquiry, and I’ve given the squad leader permissionto speak.”