“…there the poor bastard sat, too stunned topull up his pants, with the latrine walls collapsed around him. Hishair had been fried by the explosion. What was left stuck outstraight from his head.”
“He wasn’t hurt, was he?” Despite the attemptat compassion, Conyod continued laughing.
“A couple of first-degree burns, but that wasit. It was a tame trick compared to some we got up to. Am I right,Sletran?”
Chuckling, the Nobek raised a glass of kloqto his lips. “No broken bones, no missing body parts, no reason forthe C.O. to write a report. We used to straddle the line as closeas we could when I enlisted.”
“Same for us. Basic training was a bitch, butit had its good points.” Erybet raised his glass to the Nobek andsignaled for another round of drinks.
He thought the dinner was going well. Thefood in the cliffside inn was delicious if a bit expensive. Theatmosphere was particularly lovely, overlooking the ocean. Conyodhad been enraptured by the view, particularly as the colors of thesunset impressed their hue on the green sea. Erybet hoped he wastremendously impressed. To attract a young, handsome Imdikobeginning a career in psychology was a rare boon for any Dramok.Available members of the breed were so rare, in fact, Erybet haddismissed his chances to do so. Men of Conyod’s designation couldpick and choose Dramoks of far higher stations than Erybet’s, sohe’d focused his interest on the military and casual sex partnersrather than chase actual relationships with an eye towardclanship.
Until Conyod had shown up in Sletran’scompany. It had rekindled Erybet’s barely existing hope to meet anImdiko who wasn’t promised to anyone and had chosen the company ofa rising but still low-ranking soldier. It had woken a slumberingdesire to earn more than the rank of High Commander and the respectof the warrior Nobeks who bristled to have a Dramok in such aposition.
If Sletran could have Conyod, then whycouldn’t Erybet?
Sletran himself was an okay guy. Getting toknow the competent squad leader had shown Conyod had good reason tobe attracted to him. Erybet’s claim the Nobek was his top soldierhadn’t been mere flattery. There were others as skilled as Sletran,but he had beyond mere decent leadership and fighting skills. Hismen were fiercely loyal to him, ready to do whatever he ordered inan instant. Ready to go beyond what he demanded, because Sletranasked nothing of his troops he wasn’t willing to do himself. Infact, he was often in the thick of whatever action was called for.When they were victorious, Sletran kept none of the accolades butheaped them on his company. When they fell short, he accepted theblame as his own.
Erybet liked him on a personal level sincehe’d begun working to acquaint himself with the warrior who’d wonthe entrancing Conyod. Sletran was the height of decency, and theyhad a lot in common. However, Erybet was involved in an on-again,off-again affair. His connection to a Nobek of his own rank wascurrently on hiatus, but signs were pointing to them driftingtogether again in the near future. Since he enjoyed Group CommanderTox’s company, he didn’t see Sletran as a serious option for thelong term. A temporary playmate, perhaps, until Tox came aroundagain. Erybet’s real interest was in Conyod.
Tox and Sletran were similar in many ways.The ways that counted most, Erybet thought. Conyod would enjoygetting to know Tox when his infatuation for Sletran waned, as itno doubt would. From what he’d been able to gather, Sletran wasConyod’s first significant affair. Sooner or later, such a youngImdiko would be curious when it came to others of the warriorbreed. If Erybet were lucky and smart enough to capture andmaintain Conyod’s interest, if it went well enough for them toclan, then they could choose a Nobek who was better than merelyadequate. They could find someone perfect for them both.
As I suspect I’ve found in thisImdiko. Erybet caught Conyod’s eye and winked, making hisobject of affection grin in overt flirtation.
* * * *
“Hero Nobek and beautiful Dramok. I won thedate lottery tonight,” Conyod enthused when he and Sletran returnedto the Nobek’s quarters after their dinner date.
“Are you saying I’m not beautiful?” Sletranwaited until the door closed behind him to strike a model’s poseand make a face Conyod supposed was meant to be seductively pouty.On Sletran’s strong features, the expression made him appear in themidst of passing a kidney stone.
“Of course you are.” Conyod’s snickerssounded suspiciously like a child’s giggles. He’d been drinkingbohut rather than the less alcoholic kloq his dinner companions hadstuck to. He was slightly tipsy.
Sletran draped himself languidly on the backof his worn but comfortable lounger. “Tell me I’m pretty. Go on.Lavish me with adoring acclaim for my incredible allure.”
Conyod’s knees weakened under the force ofhis laughter as Sletran fluttered his lashes and blew him kisses.He gasped, “Your…your charm has no equal. They invented the wordexquisite just for you.”
“Songs should be written of my splendor. Goahead, write them. Odes of a million pages.”
Conyod sat on the floor before he could fall.Sletran rarely indulged in outright silliness. When he did, it wasan event. What would have been merely amusing from anyone else wasthe height of hysteria from the typically stoic Nobek.
“Stop,” Conyod wheezed. “You’re killingme.”
Sletran chuckled and slid to the floor. Hecrawled toward the Imdiko on all fours. “I love it when you laughso hard. I want to see you happy for the rest of your life.”
“As long as I have you, I will be.” Conyoddidn’t care how sappy he sounded. He meant every word.
“And maybe a certain gorgeous Dramok?”Sletran had drawn close. His fingers walked from Conyod’s boot toeto the ankle, where he began tugging it loose.
“If he is what he seems to be, it would be abonus,” Conyod acknowledged. “I like what I’ve seen so far.”
“Me too.” Sletran pulled his other boot off.He tossed them both over his shoulders, so they thumped across thefloor. “Which surprises me.”
“I’ve wanted to wrap myself up in you. Nobodyelse, including shockingly pretty Dramoks who possess the badasseryof Nobeks, need apply. Erybet’s caught me by surprise.”
“It’s like a story, us getting together, thenfinding him so quickly.” Conyod licked his lips as Sletran’sfingers crawled up his legs. “Can the perfect clan actually happenthis fast in real life?”
“I guess we’ll have to wait to find out.” TheNobek paused at his knees. He drew slow circles that progressedsteadily up Conyod’s inner thighs toward the growing bulge at hiscrotch. “Meanwhile, you’ll have to imagine his sleek body pressedagainst yours. Erybet’s pretty face hovering over your cocks. Thosefull, luscious, wet lips kissing them.”