Page 30 of Clan and Crave

Conyod waved a negligent hand. “Was he? It’sprobably the Imdiko classification. The ugliest of my breed get alot of attention from Dramoks hoping to form clans and attractMataras.”

“I knew a couple of Nobeks who tried toseduce Erybet. He told one he was too dedicated to the military tobother clanning. Trust me, you made an impression.” Sletran cuppedConyod’s ass and pressed him close so he couldn’t help but feel howimpressed he was too.

“You think so, huh.” He chuckled and movedseductively against him. “I must admit, your commanding officer isinteresting. You wouldn’t expect to find such a pretty Dramokkeeping you hardass Nobeks in line.”

“Oh, you think he’s pretty.”

“Don’t you?”

“Of course. I’m not blind. Don’t let thoselooks fool you, sweet man. Erybet is a hardass himself, and heisn’t shy when it comes to proving it to any soldier dumb enough tochallenge him.”

“Not you!”

Conyod’s disbelief delighted Sletran. “Thethought crossed my mind when I first came under his command. Iwasn’t the only soldier who took being assigned a Dramok commanderas an insult. Three of my fellow Nobeks tried to corner Erybet, andI got a first-row seat to watch him take them to the cleaners. Heearned the respect of those of us who witnessed the fight.”

“Respect, you say?” Conyod teased. “Justrespect?”

“I might have entertained a fantasy or twoabout erotic battles to see who’d end up on top. He’s never showninterest in me, so I haven’t bothered.” It was true. Erybet couldhave any number of Nobeks if he wanted, once they got past theirritation of a Dramok commander in their midst.

He was either discreet about his affairs ordidn’t indulge in them often. No one in Sletran’s hearing hadbragged about bedding Erybet, though there’d been rumors of him anda few fellow group commanders.

“He’s definitely missing out if he hasn’tnoticed you.” Conyod delivered a kiss that wiped Sletran’s thoughtsclean of his superior for an instant.

Lunch be damned. Sletran would rather starvethan miss a chance to make love to his Imdiko, who’d been the focusof other men’s desires all morning. Viewing him through their eyes,knowing how lucky he was to have gotten over his earliermisgivings, made him desperate to claim the younger man.

Sletran was indeed all Conyod could imaginewanting. Nonetheless, Dramok Erybet’s beautiful features popped inhis brain as the Nobek pushed him toward the sleeping mat in histwo-room quarters that included a kitchenette, a small seating areabarely capable of accommodating four, and shelves loaded with theirresident’s belongings and awards.

They roughly stripped as Conyod caught firefrom his amorous companion’s eagerness. Sletran was alwaysdemanding, but his insistence was at a new high as he yankedConyod’s clothes from him.

Was it jealousy driving him? The idea Conyodmight have found Erybet or anyone else attractive? The Imdiko wastempted to allay Sletran’s concerns…but the truth was, Erybet wasappealing. Though Conyod was unclanned and Kalquorian society’sstandards allowed all the lovers he wished for, his devotion toSletran took other Nobeks off the table as far as he wasconcerned.

Dramoks, however…

Just as a fantasy. Sletran owned Conyod’sheart lock, stock, and barrel. It was his lips and tongue stealingConyod’s breath as he kissed him thoroughly. It was his hands,pumping Conyod’s cocks as he goaded him onto the sleeping mat, thatunhinged his knees and made him fall heavily. It was Sletran’smuscled weight pressing him down so he was helpless. Sletran’sfangs driving in his neck, delivering intoxicating venom to sap anywill Conyod possessed to deny him everything he wanted.

It was all Sletran, except for a stray visionof Erybet joining in popping in his mind’s eye here and there.

When his venomous bite had rendered Conyodunable to resist his hungers, Sletran eased off him to rake hishungry gaze over his conquest. “Everyone’s thinking about thisdelicious Imdiko right now. They’re wishing they were me because Iget to enjoy someone so perfect.”

Conyod’s heart swelled. Lust might currentlybe ruling Sletran, but there was love behind the base longing forphysical intimacy. He could sense it.

For an instant, Sletran let softer feelingsshow. He brushed a lock of hair from Conyod’s face, the touchgentle as he gazed in his eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”

“Sletran,” Conyod whispered, unable to saymore.

As if a spell had been broken, the Nobekreared up and stepped back. He barked, “I’m running drills in lessthan half an hour. Roll over and put your incredible ass in the airso I can fuck it.”

As the venom filling him sent Conyod spinningand assuming the position as ordered, he smiled. He wasn’t fooledby Sletran’s abrupt attitude change. His love for Conyod challengedthe Nobek code of never insulting men important to them by speakingof it.

If the near offense made him harsh as heshoved his primary in and rutted Conyod’s upraised ass, the Imdikodidn’t fault him for it. Sletran’s hard thrusts excited him, as didthe ache of taking him. Sletran pulled Conyod onto himself, lettinghim know to whom he belonged as brutal friction on his hotspot sentheaviness to his cocks, which bobbed beneath him. The Nobek’s groinslapped his buttocks in an exciting rhythm, adding to the rush ofviolent need consuming Conyod.

“My gorgeous ass to fuck,” the Nobek growled.“My beautiful Imdiko. Mine.”

Mine. As if they were declaredclanmates. As if he’d assumed the same commitment Conyod had, thecommitment that rendered it impossible to consider other Nobeks aspotential lovers.

I love you, now and always. Conyod wasunable to speak as Sletran’s every thrust drove the very breathfrom him. As emotion choked him. As the Nobek’s venom mixed in aheady elixir with passion and adoration, stealing his senses.

Sletran’s thick forearm clamped acrossConyod’s chest, lifting him so they pressed tight together. Hegrasped the Imdiko’s primary, pumping it as his pace increased.Ecstasy billowed. Conyod found his voice and shouted.