She sees this change in me and smiles.

“He set you up too, darling. Just like I set up James. You’ve been programmed, dear. You’ve been programmed to kill, just like all the other Company contracts.”

Contracts. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re here to kill me, darling. Going through with it only brings you farther into the fold. Why do you think we pay such close attention to Company children, Harper? Because we love them? Please,” she laughs. “Please. I’ve been told you’re naive, but surely you understand what you are? What you were born to be? You’re a killer, Miss Tate. One of the secret ones. One of the Zeros brought up in a loving family. But a killer nonetheless. He called us all here to die by your hands, just like last summer on the ship. Your father is the evil one in this world.”

“Then why come?”

“Because I have someone here representing me as well. And your father should know better than to double-cross me. We both have daughters, Harper. And mine is killing your brother. Right now. But she’s not the only delegate I brought to this party, sweetie. Your father and I talked about joining forces. Becoming one powerful family by wedding you and Vincent. Our last hope for a compromise. But then… you killed my delegates. And they let you get away. Your father protected you, even smoothed things over with Vincent. But I knew better.” She reaches up to tap her head just like James did last night. “I know everything.”

When she echoes his words I panic.

“And his secret mission—the one he’s been on for years but has no clue about—is to kill everyone at this party, Harper. James didn’t come up with this plan, dear. I did. And you walked right into it. You—”

I snap her neck just as easily as James snapped One’s and then I let her drop to the floor and go searching through the desk until I find what I need to finish my job here tonight.

A gun.

And I guess she’s right.

I’m a goddamned killer.

But at least I’m not a goddamned liar.

Because she’s full of shit. I don’t believe he’s been programmed. I know my James is damaged, but he’s not a ridiculous robot programmed to kill.

He kills of his own free will, or not at all.

Chapter Thirty-Two


The entire mansion is in an uproar. People are screaming while the Admiral’s voice booms through the downstairs, asking people to remain calm.

Good luck with that. I chuckle as I make my way down the hallway. Several people look at me funny, but I’m not so out of place that they stop to question me. I’m sure there’s no kids allowed at this thing. But I almost look grown up in my fancy dress. I try to walk calmly as I look for Nick, but I’m not used to the fancy shoes, and that makes walking difficult.

I look in each room as I pass, and then finally decide Nick is not on the ground floor. I look up at the second floor, consider it, and then nix that idea. If he’s not around, then he got the files off One while James was busy dealing with the aftermath. So that means he’s outside heading towards the rendezvous point.

I scoot past the lingering crowd as the Admiral assures everyone that Vincent just had a moment of rage over… blah, blah, blah. Lie, lie, lie. He has to know that was James.

So I just tune that shit out. James is a big boy. If any of us can take care of themselves, it’s him. I check my watch to see how long I have.

Three minutes.

Once I get past the people outside, I kick my shoes off and run. I know where Nick’s going and I bet I know who Harper was referring to when she mentioned his little problem. I run my fastest all the way down the path that leads to the marina, my feet pounding on the stone path. I take the steps two at a time, making my stupid dress poof up each time I land. And I’m only halfway there when I see them arguing on the dock.

This place is quiet. It’s just a small marina to begin with, but tonight it’s dead. No one is down here but us.

I creep up as close as I dare, and just barely catch the conversation when she yells.

“You’re not leaving me, Nicholas. There’s no way you’re going to take what you came for and walk away from this promise.”

Oh, boy. I got a live one. I sneak down the stairs one at a time, so they can’t detect me. I’m a good stalker. I’ve hunted wild animals my whole life. I know how to creep up on them. And this Nicola is definitely one of the wild ones. When I reach the sand, I slip under the stairs and crawl towards them.

She’s trying to grab for Nick, but he keeps slapping her hands away. “Stop it,” he growls at her after she tries to slap him. “I’m not anyone’s promise, OK? So stop begging. It’s sad.”

“It’s called loyalty, Nick.” She’s practically foaming at the mouth, that’s how pissed off she is. “You should want to be loyal to me. You promised you’d leave Sasha and marry me.”

“You’re delusional. I never said that shit. You’re insane, just like your brothers. You’re an assassin, Nicola. We don’t get promises.”

“Liar!” she screams. “You’re a liar. I know you were promised to Sasha. And I’m gonna kill that little—”

Nick grabs her by the throat, but she’s already in attack mode. Her body spins, her foot comes up, and she’s about to connect with his face when he grabs her by the ankle and flips her over and throws her down on the hard dock with a crash. She winces, but gets back up to fight again.