Merc clenches his jaw, his eyes darting back and forth as he thinks this through. “You wanna know why they were laughing back there?” he asks.

No. “Yes.”

“They were laughing because they said if they see James, they’re not gonna kill him.”

“No?” I ask, hopeful.

Merc starts the truck and backs out of the space, then heads towards the exit. “Nope.” And then he looks me in the eye as he waits to turn left to get back on the Interstate. “They’re gonna douse him in gasoline, set him on fire, and then put it out.”


“They’re gonna make sure he lives to feel the pain.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


“I might not’ve been all there this past year or so,” Tet says, coming forward a few paces. “But Harper Tate, the minute I saw you on the beach, it started coming back. It took me a while, but I’m here now. I’m not the person they say I am.” He turns his head and then gives me a sidelong glance. “At least not when it comes to you.”

He steps forward a few more paces and I automatically put my hands up to ward him off. He grabs my wrists and hikes my hands above my head, walking me backwards until I hit the wall. I press myself flat, but he leans in and touches his lips to mine. “It would kill me, Harper Tate, if you were afraid of me.”

“That was you last night.”

“That was me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to give you a chance to choose. A chance to choose a safer life than the one I can provide. I’ve got money. I’ve got assets. But I can’t keep you safe, Harper. It would not be possible.”

I just stare at him. What is he saying? “So you don’t want me? You’re going to pull one of those selfish I’m-doing-this-for-your-own-good moves? Because if so, James Fenici, I’m gonna fight you over it. I swear to God, I will—”

He leans down and kisses me, laughing into my mouth. “I love you.”

“I love you. Don’t leave me. Please.”

He pulls back just the slightest little bit and I look up into those beautiful emerald eyes. “I came back, didn’t I?”

I nod.

“I told you, Harper, you’re mine. And maybe I cheated a little bit to get you, but I meant that. I never want to let you go.”

He pauses. I feel a ‘but’ coming on.

“But I have a job to do here, lionfish. I have a job to do.”

“What job?”

He cups my face with his hands. They are cool. And reassuring. Like these hands can fix anything. “I know they tell you I’m crazy. And I am. But I’m patient, Harper. And I’m smart. I’ve outsmarted the most ruthless killers on this planet. I’ve outsmarted the highest government officials. I’ve outsmarted drug dealers, and kidnappers, and Admirals, and my mother. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

“What are you doing?” I’m breathless listening to him. My heart is beating so fast I’m not sure I can stand up for much longer.

“Killing people, Harper. I’m killing people. Or at the very least… getting them all killed.”

“Who? What people?”

He leans down to kiss me again, his tongue probing for more attention. And then he whispers, “Everyone, Harp. I’m gonna kill everyone.”

“How?” My legs get weak but James cups my ass and lifts me up, pushing me against the wall.

“Sasha.” And then he laughs.

Chills run up my spine. “But you already killed Sasha.”

He nuzzles his mouth against my neck and laughs. “Please, Harper. A little faith. I’m a sick asshole, but I have never killed a little girl and I’m not gonna start now.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You don’t need to.”

“That’s not fair, James. I’m not some helpless child. I’m lethal in my own right.”

“This isn’t your fight, lionfish. This one’s mine. So save your moves for something else.” And then he kisses my mouth and slaps my ass. “I got this. The only thing I want you to do is let me fuck you. Let me make this world safe for us. And let me keep you forever.”

I thread my hands through his hair and breathe him in. “My James.”

“My Harper. I want to marry you. I want to take you away. Somewhere safe, and quiet. Somewhere we can get to know each other for real. On our own time. Slowly.” He reaches up and brushes a stray strand of hair away from my eyes and tucks it behind my ear. “I want to make love to you under the stars. And sail around the world with you in a boat. I want you all to myself. I’m a stingy, greedy, killer. And I want you. I want to know you.”

“I want to know you too,” I say back, my words so soft they are just barely a whisper. “I’ve wanted you since the day we turned Six. I didn’t understand it, but the way you looked at me, I could feel the love. I could feel your attention.” My face begins to get hot and the tears begin to form. “I just want a simple life, James. I don’t need a fancy boat or a big house. I don’t need money. I just want you. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to fight the Company rules and traditions. I just want to run away with you and never look back. ”

He swipes a tear away. “I told you we can’t do that, lionfish. I told you they’ll never let us live. They will find us. I need to take them out.”