“If you’re still insisting you’re James, then I’m going to refuse that chat.”

He grits his teeth. “If James is the one you think you want, then I am James.”

“How did you know about that conversation we had about power?”

He laughs a little under his breath and then leans into my ear. “I was there, Harper. That was me.”

“That was not you!”

“How do you know?”

I just stare at him. “I know.”

He moves my hand to the bulge between his legs and presses it. “Tell me how you know.”

I yank my hand away and step back. “You were watching us. You had cameras. Something. But that was not you. And I’ll tell you how I know. Because even though James made it very clear I belong to him, he does not treat me like property. He respects me.”

“Ha,” Vincent laughs. “That’s a good one. Well, you got me. I’m Vincent. I’m not sorry for being Vincent instead of James. I am sorry I didn’t get to you before he did. I am sorry you sucked his cock before you’ll suck mine. But we have all the time in the world to make up for that.”

I can’t even move, that’s how off-guard I feel. Should I fight him? But where would I go? I don’t even know where I’m at. Santa Barbara. I’m just not sure where I could go from there.

His hand wraps around my waist, squeezing as he pulls me close to his chest. “Forget about James, Harper. James is a dead man. He’s crazy, OK? He’s lost touch with reality. He kills people for no reason anymore. He’s hunted down all his friends in the Company and tried to kill them, one by one. We’ve known this for almost a year now. And the only good thing he’s done since then is kill our brother, Tony. Because Tony was just as certifiable as James.”

“It’s not his fault he was forced to kill people for a living. It’s not his fault the Company turned him into that.”

“Harper,” Vincent whispers. “Listen to me. It is his fault. He was the favorite, Harp. Our parents loved James above everyone. I didn’t grow up in the same house, but I knew who he was. Our father pinned all his Company hopes on James. All he had to do was go to that beach when you turned six and say, Yes, Admiral. I’ll take her. And his life would be mine. And my life would be his. You’d be in love with me right now if he said yes, because I would be the one who went crazy and found you on the beach.”

“But he didn’t say yes. You did.”

Vincent pushes me away and takes a step back. “You’re wrong. I never got asked. I told you, I was the control. I didn’t participate in anything. I was secluded from the Company. I was raised like any other rich American boy. I never killed anyone. I never went on missions. I just existed. I have an impeccable record. A paper trail that can be followed from the time I turned sixteen until now. So when the vetting begins for the multiple political offices I will hold, I appear untouched. Perfect. The perfect man. Raised in the perfect home. Wedded to the perfect woman who has no record at all. Who was raised on a fucking boat in the middle of the ocean. Who never went to school. Who never had her picture taken and plastered all over the society pages. You,” he whispers, “are the perfect blank canvas.”

He gives me that hard stare again and this time it doesn’t make me defiant, it makes me curious. “What do you want from me?”

“I want what I was promised.”

“I never made a promise to you.”

“You think you love him, but you don’t know him. You know me.”

“You’re not the guy I spent time with, Vincent.”

“I’m the guy from your birthday party, Harper. I’m the guy you fell in love with.” He slowly moves his hands up towards my face and cups them around my cheeks. “I deserve the same chance you gave James. That’s all I’m asking for. Be fair, Harper. You don’t know me yet. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want my chance.”

Chapter Fifteen


He won’t let go of my face and I can’t stop looking into his beautiful green eyes.

Why? Why does he have to look like the man I love?

“Just a chance, Harper. That’s all I’m asking. I’ll make a deal with you, OK? I won’t push you. I’ll give you some space and some privacy. I’ll give you freedom in the house. I will even give you a phone to call the man you think you love.”

I take in a deep breath at that offer.

“I know you want to talk to James. I understand. If you give me a few days with no fighting and no rebellion, then I will let you call him.”

“Why not now?” I know I’m pushing it, but what kind of killer would I be if I didn’t?

Vincent sighs, but he doesn’t immediately say no and that gives me hope. “If I let you call James now, you’ll be good for me? You’ll give me a chance?” He stares down into me. His hands soften against my cheeks.

“Right now?”

“A real chance.”

“OK,” I say warily. Is Vincent for real? Or is this some kind of trick? “If you let me call him, I’ll give you a chance.”

“One call. Twenty seconds. You can’t tell James you’re with me, where you are, or what we’re doing. You can’t be upset. It’s one call just to hear his voice. And if he doesn’t answer, he might be dead. If he doesn’t answer, you will assume he is dead. You will drop it and focus on your life here with me. I’ll give you one act of trust on my part if you make this promise to me. Because I’m certain of one thing, Miss Tate. He’s not the man you are meant to be with. That’s me. So go ahead. Call him.”