“Not a child…” the prince repeated in eager tones, ignoring the implied insult in her words. “You said she’s turning eighteen next week, right? And she says her name is Daisy?”

The significance he placed on my age, birthday, and name made my heart beat even faster. Did he know the nickname of the missing princess? Had my family provided information about me?

I abandoned my checking and double-checking and started tying the anchoring sheet around the beam. Scooping up armfuls of material, I tossed it blindly through the window. Once it was all outside, I leaned over to check it was stretched out properly against the stone.

I could hear Charli giving the prince a running commentary on what was happening, but I wasn’t paying attention. My full focus was on reaching the ground as quickly as possible.

As soon as I was sure my makeshift rope was secured, I bundled up my skirts and tucked them out of my way. Gripping the material, I rested both feet against the stone, my back toward the ground, and started lowering myself hand over hand, my feet walking backward down the wall as I went.

The further down I got, the faster I moved, my impatience impossible to contain. Eventually my hands fumbled over a knot, and I lost my grip.

I dropped through the air, barely managing to get my feet under me in time to land.

“Oof!” I ended in a crouch but quickly straightened to glare up at the dress whose knot had betrayed me. “Thanks a lot, Snow. Keep a better hold of me next time.”

“She’s here,” Charli told the prince, making me flush with embarrassment and relief that the prince couldn’t hear me muttering to myself like I’d lost my mind.

“Really?” He sounded excited. “Where exactly? Can you position me right in front of her?”

“It won’t make a difference,” Charli said. “It doesn’t matter how close you get, you won’t be able to see or hear her, and you won’t be able to touch her either.”

He gave her a grin that was far too charming. Now that I could see him close up, I could see why Charli was so affected. He was dangerously handsome, with golden skin and dark hair, and his brown eyes sparkled with a familiar mix of sincerity and mischief that reminded me of the distant Prince Gabe.

“Please?” he pleaded with Charli. “Humor me just this once?”

Charli sighed and looked at me. When I shrugged, she took the prince’s arm and maneuvered him until he stood almost toe to toe with me.

My breath caught at his nearness, and I reminded myself firmly that he wasn’t Gabe, and I was no longer eight years old. There was absolutely no reason for my heart to be beating faster.

“How tall is she?” the prince asked, drawing my attention to his own height and the broad shoulders that went with it.

“The top of her head is about at your chin. Why?”

The prince didn’t answer, and I didn’t have time to ponder the question before he leaned forward, aiming his face remarkably accurately toward mine.

My brain sputtered to a stop, my body freezing in shock. Was he trying to—?

As his lips approached mine, the enchantment kicked in and his head began to sway away from me. But the awkward backward movement was interrupted by an abrupt lurch forward, as if he had been shoved hard from behind.

His lips collided with mine, the impact rocking me backward as I received the most awkward first kiss in history.


I jumped backward, my hand responding without conscious thought. Flashing up, it slapped him across the cheek.

He fell back a step from the force of my attack, and my stinging hand flew to my mouth. I wasn’t sure if it was my hand or my lips that was tingling more from the unexpected and shocking series of events.

What had just happened? How had he kissed me? And how had my hand made contact with his cheek?

I stared at him, so overloaded with shock that it took me a moment to realize he was staring straight back at me. His left cheek was red from my blow, but he didn’t seem aware of any pain. His mouth was hanging open, and there was no mistaking the way his eyes were locked on mine.

Something sparked inside me, and I rallied.

“What are you doing?” I demanded. “You can’t kiss a stranger you’ve only just met!”

His expression immediately grew sheepish. “Sorry about that. I was trying to break the enchantment.”

“With a surprise kiss?” I asked, my outrage not ebbing.