“If you’re not there, I guess I’m speaking into the void. But if you are, uh, I’m really sorry about that. That was completely out of line.”
Confused as to why he would be apologizing, I move as if on autopilot. I don’t open the door, but I do cross the room to lean my forehead against it and finally respond.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Oh, you’re there. Hey, Gia.” He sounds relieved, if not happy, to hear my voice.
“I’m here. Why are you apologizing?”
“Do you mind if we chat without the door between us?”
I want to say no. I want to tell him that the door is keeping me from dying of embarrassment. But he sounds so sincere that I flip the deadbolt and crack the door open.
He’s fully dressed now, thankfully. His curls are still slightly damp and fall haphazardly all over his head, and he’s got a shy little grin on his face.
“Hey, can I come in?” He tips his head to one side, and a single curl flops across his forehead.
It’s so cute, it makes me want to scream. How? How did I think I could just be friends with this guy?
Nodding, I widen the door and step aside to let him pass. Once he’s in my space, it feels easier to breathe. Just his proximity lessens my worry in a way, and that’s not something I want to dig into at the moment.
Luckily, we have other things to discuss.
Creating some space between us, I walk over to the small seating area and drop down into a chair. Henry follows me, taking the chair across from mine. Pulling my knees up, I curl my arms around my legs and look at Henry over my knees.
For a moment, neither of us says anything, then we both start talking at once.
“I’m so sorry—” I start to apologize.
“Let me apologize—”
Stilted, nervous laughter tumbles out of both of us. I try to control my breathing, silently praying that my face isn’t flushed and he can’t somehow see what I was just doing in the shower. Shame and embarrassment shoot through my veins again, and I start flicking the ring on my thumb like my life depends on it.
“Listen,” he starts and then furrows his brow. “Hey, are you okay?” Leaning forward, his eyes roam my face, only making it burn hotter.
“Fine. I’m fine.” My heart rate ticks up again, and I feel slightly untethered.
“Are you sure? You look a little…” His eyes narrow slightly, and he cocks his head to the side.
Every place his eyes touch feels tight and hot and, oh wow, I needed to come so badly. I should have just let myself in the shower. Now we’re here in this situation and he’s looking at me like…like he knows.
“Hmm?” I can barely squeak out a fully formed word, and he notices. His eyes flare with awareness as he leans forward.
“Were you—” His voice drops low, and his eyes smolder. “Gianna, what were you doing before I got here?”
I open my mouth to respond, but there’s not one thing running through my mind that I can cling on to and turn into a believable lie. My brain is still all horned up, and I’m trying to reconcile the fact that Henry’s in my room right now. With my bed literally a stone’s throw away.
A bed that’s probably still warm from my body.
“Nothing,” I manage to force out with a tight smile. “I took a shower.”
I purse my lips but don’t say anything else. I don’t want to lie—frankly, I’m doing enough of that as it is—but I’m also not about to tell him the truth.
Yeah, I was just trying to distract myself after masturbating in the shower. No, I didn’t let myself come. No, nothing to do with me seeing you jerking off and moaning my name. Nope. Not at all. That would be creepy. And inappropriate. We’re just friends.