Page 55 of Sinful Pride

“This is a proper threesome and not one of those Hollywood love triangle abominations,” Beelzebub lifted his head only after giving the bleeding wound a parting lick. “We are all together. Get it through your thick skull.”

It was a statement, not a question.

My gaze met Raphael’s, and I nodded resolutely.

“Oh,” Raphael made a soft exhalation of realization. “I can call you my boyfriend? Both of you?”

“Or partner,” Beelzebub offered. “Boyfriend is so juvenile.”

“It’s cute,” I added my two cents.

Raphael gasped as I shifted, and he remembered he had his cock deep inside me. The position he was in, sandwiched between two bodies, didn’t escape his attention.

“Do you want to show me I’m yours?”

“Yes,” Beelzebub growled.

“Yes, please,” I chorused.

The next gasp which left Raphael’s lips wasn’t because his cock was cradled by my body.

I couldn’t quite see what Beelzebub was doing, but I could feel the aftershocks of the blackened fingers sinking into Raphael from the way the Archangel’s hips danced back and forth. From what I gathered, Raphael was experienced in every way you could have sex and, while his preference was usually to be the dominant party, it didn’t preclude topping from the bottom or occasional indulgence of a different dynamic. I believed we could make it work; no one was going to push to the breaking point because we were willing to bend, to work to make this relationship succeed.

And tonight that meant Raphael being the focus between us.

A groan reverberated through the body above mine and I pressed my lips to Raphael’s neck, feeling the thrum of the noises he was making as I left kisses over the sun-kissed skin. It was all the warning I got the preparations were finished. Beelzebub thrust forward and as his cock pushed in Raphael, the angel sank deeper into me in turn.

“Good bitch… nnn… ah, no, you aren’t into degradation,” Beelzebub panted out as he set a rhythm for all of us. “How about a deal, Raphael? I will tell you sweet nothings, all the praise you want… but only if you take over my role for Tirael.”

Fuck, the idea fanned the fire inside me into an inferno. I needed to have that.

“What? Ah, you want m-me to call Tirael names? I can’t say that!”

“Can’t say… or are you unable to come up with the lines?” Beelzebub had his shark grin on. “Repeat after me: ‘you have such a hungry hole’.”

Raphael closed his eyes in mortification. A bright flush appeared high on his cheeks, but he haltingly repeated the words.

“You have… such a hungry h-hole.”

“Good boy.”

I whimpered at the praise and I could feel Raphael’s cock jump inside me. Was this what humans imagined Heaven felt like? Beelzebub leaned down to whisper the next lines into Raphael’s ear and soon I was being pounded to the soundtrack of praise from a demon and degradation from an angel.

“You are such a whore.”

“Just like that, baby.”

“Spread your legs, show us how much you crave a hard cock.”

“Wonderful. You are a beautiful sight, my angels.”

Fortunately, I didn’t have to string words together; my moans, whimpers, and later, when Beelzebub really got going and hammered into Raphael, cries, were enough of a contribution.

I clung to the lithe body over mine, arched my back, tossed my head from side to side as I was brought to the precipice of an orgasm, but refused to fall over the edge. Today, I wanted Raphael to feel the devastation of being the first to come.

“T-take what I give you, ah! Slut, ngh—” Raphael’s words fell into incoherence as he spilled inside me.

Beelzebub’s frantic thrust made Raphael sink his fingers into the sheets in a desperate attempt to hold himself together as his body sang with oversensitivity after his climax. It was a feeling very familiar to me, but it had to be even more intense as our lover was stimulated from both sides. Raphael was the center of our lust, surrendered by our possessiveness.