Page 25 of Sinful Pride

“Touch me,” I demanded.

Ever reliable, Abaddon ran his hands down my back, the golden chains tinkling merrily in the wake of his touch. I shivered.

“Like this?” Abaddon’s deep voice asked.

“More. Satisfy me. Show them all what they are missing.”

My lips got captured in a thorough, possessive kiss. Abaddon made sure I barely had any air in my lungs before we separated.

“Turn around,” Abaddon commanded, the beginnings of a growl in his voice.

As I followed his order, I could feel how bothered he already was after my performance. I squirmed on purpose, making him hiss and clamp a restraining hand on my thigh.

“Is that what you want everyone to see? How much of a brat you can be? Very well, I can show them my skills in brat taming.”

I jerked in his grasp as he went straight for my nipples. Not expecting such savagery out of the gate, I cried out as he clamped his fingers in a vise around one of my nipples and pulled. Now I trashed because I couldn’t help it, the teasing gone from my mind as Abaddon pinched, scratched, squeezed, found a thousand different ways to torment my nipples.

Oh fuck, with my tits in such an oversensitive state, what I had planned next was going to hurt so much.

I whimpered when I heard the approaching footsteps. Well, I did it to myself. Now there was no other way but to commit.

“Don’t you think… ah… that my outfit is missing something?” I gasped out. “All that gold around my chest but nothing on my nipples… you should change that.”

Hellion took it as his cue to step closer.

Abaddon’s gaze lifted slowly to watch him in a manner of a territorial beast. On the cushion my friend was holding lay two golden rings bejeweled with tiny diamond stars and a hollow piercing needle.

Abaddon’s eyes widened, then narrowed as he took it in.

“Is that angelic power on the needle? Whose?!”

“Ah. Raphael assured me it will be easier than brute-forcing such a precise wound with demonic power,” I said, wincing at the reaction.

“But it can still be done without it?”

I nodded.

Abaddon reached for the needle, and it was immediately encased in demonic power. The angelic grace burned like a flame for a moment before it vanished, no trace of Raphael’s power left. The volatile reaction left the needle hot to the touch.

“You are mistaken if you thought even for a moment that I would allow any trace of anyone else’s power to enter your body,” Abaddon growled. I gulped, realizing what deep shit I was in. “If I have to make it hurt to remind you that you are mine, so be it.”

As Abaddon arranged me sideways, so he had perfect access to my already abused nipples and raised the still slightly steaming needle up, I whimpered.

“Who do you belong to?”


As the sharp tip pressed against my sensitive nub and pushed, I found biting my lips wasn’t helping, so instead I babbled.

“You, I belong to Abaddon, Second Prince of Hell, ah… oh fuck… it hurts, it hurts… Lord of Desolation…”

I cursed my demonic body, whose skin was tougher than regular humans. Because of that, it took longer for me before the needle peaked out on the other side. Abaddon set the jewelry at the end of the needle and pulled it back. Somehow that was even more excruciating and my breath caught on a scream.

The pleased rumble Abaddon let out when the ring finally dangled from my nipple, a trickle of blood flowing down my chest, set heat growing deep in my gut. This reaction was why I had done this. Seeing how pleased claiming me so publicly made Abaddon lit an answering fire in me and the pain of the experience crested to settle into a deep throb of a claim well done.

The second nipple hurt as much as the first but this time Abaddon graciously put two of his fingers in my mouth, letting me muffle my shouts and groans on them, my teeth clamping on the offered flesh, though I was pretty sure Abaddon wasn’t in more pain than me. Feeling my reaction in such a visceral way pleased my lover. It was similar to the way he sometimes liked to hold my wrist down during our lovemaking to feel how fast my pulse was hammering. I could hide nothing from him, so I didn’t even try.

I let the experience take me under and by the time we were finished and Abaddon was licking blood off my pierced nipples, I practically forgot we had an audience at all. I was ready for Abaddon to fuck me on the throne. I had even prepared myself, the jeweled plug keeping me open and waiting, but this unexpected turn proved to be more than I could handle. Suddenly, the eyes bothered me.