“You don’t even know how exactly I want to punish you, and yet you are already trying hard to escape your due. This only proves that I have chosen wisely, and this punishment will fulfill its role. Maybe next time you will have enough self perseverance not to spend three days straight at your office doing work any of your minions could do.”
I winced, hearing the fury hiding under his calm voice. Well, maybe staying in the office for half a week straight wasn’t the best choice I had ever made, but I knew I would be able to finish the paperwork quicker than any of my so-called ‘minions’. I just kinda got into the zone and forgot to sleep or eat… or message Lucifer.
“I won’t do it again?” Was my feeble try at salvaging the situation.
“After I’m done with you… no, you won’t,” Lucifer said with a terrifying surety.
I’m so fucked, I thought, my shoulders slumping.
“What are the markers for?” I decided to be brave and rip the bandaid off.
“Well, I’m glad you asked,” Lucifer said cheerfully, uncapping one of the markers. A black one. Then he took my hand in his and started writing on it.
WORK ADDICT, the words on my skin said when he was done. I was too stunned to stop him before he finished. I didn’t want such a label on my skin!
“Lucifer!” I whined, making him laugh, the cruel bastard. “So, this is my punishment? Parading around with those words on display. What I did wrong visible to anyone? Are you going to regale everyone with the story as well?”
“Oh, certainly,” Lucifer responded, “Because they will all wonder what did you do for me to let them write on you.”
“I’m sorry. I must have misheard. Or do you really mean you will let others write things on me?!”
“That’s right, everyone here will get the chance to write anything they want on your skin. An insult, a grocery shopping list, whatever they want,” Lucifer explained.
I covered my face with my hands, already living in the world of future embarrassment.
“No wonder humans treat you as the epitome of evil,” I muttered, resigned to my fate.
I was so entangled with Lucifer, the only way to get out of this situation would involve chewing off my leg like some desperate wolf caught in a trap. It would be easier to just bear it.
“Alright,” I said, trying to psych myself up. “Let’s just get it over and done. It will be better that way.”
“I’m glad you have seen reason, darling. Come then.” Lucifer paused in his step. “Oh, no, wait, I forgot. There’s one more thing,” his tone oozed with fake nonchalance. I gulped. “How are people supposed to draw on you if they can’t see your skin? Strip.”
“Only the top of my clothes?” I bargained.
“Not enough surface area for them to write on. Strip. Everything.”
“Everything?” I asked quietly.
Lucifer tilted his head, looking as if he was indulging a pet.
“Alright then, I will be magnanimous. You can keep your underwear. That’s it. Now, strip.”
I stripped.
The beautiful coat, the white shirt with white sleeves, and the blue pants got folded and left on the table in the corner. I felt a little exposed, to be honest. It wasn’t as if I was prudish, but I didn’t make it a fashion statement to have my tits out like so many of the demons did. I preferred the armor of finery to the vulnerability of being naked in front of a crowd.
When we stepped back into the main area, it felt like all the eyes suddenly turned to me. It was Aurelius who was supposed to be the star here! Look at him! I pleaded silently.
“Wait, no. I take it back. Do not look at Aurelius,” I muttered to myself.
The young demon was coming to greet me.
“When I said everyone is expected to dress nicely, I didn’t expect to see you in underwear. But I suppose that brand you’re wearing is high-end enough,” Aurelius remarked with a smirk.
“He did come here in pretty clothes,” Lucifer said. “He’s just not allowed to wear them at the moment.”
“Oh, there’s a story there,” the demon rubbed his hands together.