“Shh,” Jemma urged as she moved around Brock and crossed to Caleb. “Brock, we need help now.”
Caleb’s lips moved, but Brock had no idea what he tried to say. Jemma leaned in close while he glanced around for something they could use to stem the blood flow. Seeing the pool Caleb sat in, Brock didn’t think the man could afford to lose much more.
“Save your breath,” Jemma urged. “Jensen will be here soon. Hang on.”
“See if you can stop the bleeding on his chest.” Brock tossed her pieces of the bedding that littered the floor then grabbed more and joined her.
“Get his thigh. The wounds are deeper there. Caleb, stay with me,” she pressed the other male. “What’s he trying to say?” She glanced at Brock to see if he could understand.
Brock leaned in, catching a few words.
“…father…kill…Walker…didn’t know…Roco…” Anguish shown bright in Caleb’s face.
“Whose father? Yours?”
Caleb managed a nod before forcing another word from his lips. “Walker.”
“Titus Walker?” Brock asked. “He didn’t have anything to do with the attacks.”
Caleb blinked several times, and Brock noted the frustration in his gaze. “Walker.”
“What are you trying to tell me?” he asked.
Caleb’s lips moved, but no sound came out. Finally, he managed another word. “Kill.”
“I don’t know what you’re trying to say,” Brock growled, hating that he couldn’t figure out what Caleb tried to tell him. “You said Roco. Didn’t know then Roco. What didn’t you know?”
“Dead.” A tear dripped down Caleb’s face, anguish shining in his eyes. “Kill.”
“Someone killed Roco?” It was what they had all feared. Brock needed to know how Caleb knew that.
“Who attacked you?” he asked as more tears fell down Caleb’s cheeks.
Brock shook his head. “Your father is weak? You’re disappointed.”
Caleb shook his head then gasped, his eyelids dropping over his eyes and staying there.
“Your father attacked you?” Jemma whispered, horror filling her voice.
Caleb’s lids flicked back up.
“Shit,” Brock muttered.
“He’s the one who told you to attack Titus Walker,” Jemma continued.
Caleb didn’t nod, but Brock could tell his mate had the truth of it.
“He told you Titus killed Roco,” Brock guessed, and Caleb managed to give another nod before closing his eyes again.
“Caleb, you’re not weak. You’re strong. So strong. We need you to be strong a little longer. Help is coming. Don’t you dare let that bastard win,” Jemma ordered.
Caleb blinked but couldn’t seem to keep his eyes open.
“Wait. What about Walker? Is your father going after Walker?” Brock asked and though his eyes remained closed, Caleb nodded.
“Which one?” Brock asked. “Caleb, which one? Titus or Lawrence? Who is your father going after?”