Jemma laughed at another story Roman had shared, almost falling out of her seat. Milo caught her and pushed her back into the chair when a growl pulled her attention to the door where Fletch was letting in Brock and Matheus. Her mate didn’t look happy if the glare he shot her way was any indication. She decided to ignore him, thanking Milo before turning back to Helen’s brothers.
“She really coated the steps in baby oil?” Jemma asked.
“Oh, my god! I was eight, and I expected it to be Thad who walked out the backdoor,” Helen replied, wiping the tears from her eyes. She was laughing even harder than Jemma.
Jemma opened her mouth to say something else then found herself squealing when she was lifted. Brock took her spot then set her on his lap. She debated being pissed at his highhandedness, but one look at him and she caved. She leaned in nuzzling his throat before nipping his ear.
“I missed you,” she whispered.
His chest rumbled, and his arm tightened around her waist, pulling her closer.
“There’s plenty of pizza left if you’re hungry,” Milo offered as he stood. “Matheus, have a seat. I couldn’t eat another bite. You guys want a beer?”
“Please,” Matheus said, taking the seat beside her and Brock. “How’re you feeling?”
“Good,” she told him.
“Only good,” Brock teased.
“Seeing as I woke up alone. Showered alone. Then—” She broke off with another squeal as Brock stood and tossed her over his shoulder.
“We’ll see you guys later.”
He headed for the door, and Jemma pushed against the small of his back, lifting her head. “Bye, everyone! Thanks for letting me join you for dinner. I had the best time.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Helen called, then Brock was on the porch, bouncing her on his shoulder as he moved quickly through the woods.
“I stripped the sheets off the bed,” she told him, and he pivoted with a growl, moving toward the main house.
“Don’t talk to anyone,” he ordered, giving her ass a smack as he opened the back door then groaned. “Of course, you’re all here.”
Jemma leaned her head to peer around his side. All of the Holloways, except for Jensen and Matheus, were at the table. Em and Laramie sat at the head with Ruby. Koby and Sidia along with Holt and Jaeda sat on one side. Declan and Xandra with Slade and Rissa were on the other. And they were all staring at her and Brock with amusement.
“Why you upside down?” Ruby asked. “You silly, Jemma.” Ruby tilted her head until she was practically sitting on it then grinned. “Hi, Jemma.”
“Hi,” Jemma said with a grin of her own.
“Fuck,” Brock muttered.
“Fuck,” Ruby repeated.
“Brock!” Laramie thundered.
“Ruby!” Em yelled. “We don’t say that word.” She glared at Brock.
“Sorry, kid. Don’t say that word,” Brock told Ruby as he leaned down and slid Jemma off his shoulder. “Now, enjoy dinner. We already ate. We’ll see you at breakfast.”
“You didn’t—” Jemma started to say only to find herself hauled over Brock’s shoulder again, much to Ruby’s giggling delight.
As soon as they cleared the kitchen, Jemma wrapped her arms around his waist, purposely letting her fingers brush over the growing bulge in his jeans. He took the stairs down to his room at a quick trot but managed to keep her from bouncing too much. She rubbed her thumbs along either side of his denim clad erection. He stepped through the door of his room, tossed her on the bed, then shut them in, flipping the lock.
“Strip,” he ordered, already jerking his shirt over his head while he toed off his shoes.
“Don’t you want to eat dinner?” she asked as she sat up and slowly untied her shoes.
“Oh, I plan to.” His gaze zeroed in on the juncture of her thighs. “I plan to gorge myself.”
A shiver went through her as his jeans hit the floor, leaving him completely naked.