Muriel was another of the females from the Holloway den who’d been found after the attacks and hidden away by the elders. Seven of them had been put together while the elders, with Lawrence at the helm, decided what was best. Muriel hadn’t been among those with Jemma at that time. They’d met later, when they’d both been discovered and brought to the Holloway den. Muriel was soft spoken, sweet, and one of the most beautiful women Jemma had ever met.
“That ass of a man is going to drive me absolutely crazy!” Muriel huffed as she joined Jemma, pacing the room like a caged animal.
“The one Jensen flew in?” Jemma questioned, knowing Muriel had spent a lot of time with him since he’d arrived. “Jasper, right?”
“Yes,” Muriel all but growled.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with him.”
“I was keeping him company.” Muriel wrapped one arm around her waist while she stared out the window. “He was severely injured when he arrived. On death’s door.”
“He seems to be recovering now.” At least, he’d appeared to be getting better the last time Jemma had seen him. Yet, there was something in Muriel’s gaze that made Jemma wonder if she was missing something.
“He still can’t feel his bear, but Jensen’s started him on the regimen to try to counter the drugs Jasper was pumped full of to cage his animal side. We’re hoping to see a change soon.” Muriel paused with a shake of her head. “They’re not working like Jensen hoped, and Jasper doesn’t seem to think they will.”
Jemma studied the other woman for a few minutes. “Is Jasper your mate?”
Muriel ignored the question. “He’s such an ass. I should never have gone into that cabin to check on him. He’s basically kept me there ever since.”
“And what’s he doing with you?” Jemma asked then grinned when Muriel blushed. “Oh, do tell.”
“You’re one to talk. I saw Brock carrying you to the main house, and Jensen said you spent the night with him.”
“I didn’t spend the night with Jensen,” Jemma denied.
“Ha-ha-ha,” Muriel mocked. “You know who I mean. You spent the night with Brock. Does that mean you’ve decided to stop fighting one another and mate?”
“I don’t know,” Jemma admitted. “I feel like I’m waiting to wake up. For the real Brock to step out and…” She shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“What do you want to happen?”
“I want…to talk to Brock.” Jemma stopped walking. “We had plans to do that today, but everything happened. I need to know what he’s thinking and understand this sudden change of heart when it comes to me.”
“What did you do last night? If you can share.”
Jemma hated to douse the excitement in Muriel’s voice.
“Showered, ate, then went to sleep.”
“With Brock.”
Jemma nodded. “Yes, but we literally slept. He said I needed my rest, and he was right. I was exhausted. I fell asleep immediately after eating.”
“You’re recovering. Of course, you need sleep.”
“Yes, and you’ve deflected enough. Is Jasper your mate?”
“No. Maybe.” Muriel shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”
“Men can be so frustrating,” Jemma agreed as the door opened again. This time, it was Brock.
“Frustrating, huh?” He moved directly toward her, using his knuckles to tilt up her head. After staring at her for a long moment, he dipped down, brushing his lips over hers, soft and slow, but she felt the promise of more. Then he turned to Muriel, keeping Jemma close at his side.
“How’s Jasper doing?”
Jemma almost laughed at the glare Muriel cast at Brock. Then she did laugh when the other woman snarled and walked out, slamming the door behind her.
“What did I say?” Brock asked, appearing completely confused.