She enclosed him likea glove, pulling him in. His eyes smoldered as he stared down at her,his body shuddering at the sight of her.
“You are sobeautiful. Say you are mine. Always.”
“I am yours,always. She whispered, feeling the thrill that this powerful manneeded validation from her. “There is no one else, and therenever will be.”
“Repeatit,” he demanded, his mouth brushing hers slowly. If he movednow, it was going to be all over.
“I am yours. Ibelong to you.”
With a feral growl,he seized her lips and drove into her with a force that shoved herhead up against the side of the sofa. She came again, the tearsstreaming down her face as her body surged towards his. He came then;his groan swallowed deep inside her throat as he poured his life intoher as if he would not stop.
The ceremony bindingGerrald and Julia together was lovely. The church was the same onewhere she and Marcel exchanged vows, but things were different nowafter only four months. The church was packed with friends and peoplefrom the firm.
The Octoberafternoon was lovely as if nature had decided to smile down on thecouple’s special day. The sun was shining, and what should havebeen a blustery day turned out to be bright and sunny, with just aslight chill in the air.
Nikki and Grace madeup the bridal party, with Marcel being the best man and Matthew beingthe usher. Baby Abigail was adorable in her pink frilly dress withher grandmother.
Her eyes drifted toher husband as the couple repeated their vows. As if he knew shewould choose that moment, he met her eyes, his golden gaze warm andintimate by shared memories.
She was four monthspregnant but still barely showing. The maid of honor dress, a lovelywintergreen wool, had a full skirt to hide the small bump, one thather husband paid particular attention to every night they were inbed. The bust was tight-fitting, revealing an enticing glimpse of herflesh.
Tenderness swept overher as the couple promised to love, honor, and cherish each other.She had married the same man twice and told him she would do it everyday of the week, which was true.
Marcel interpretedthe naked emotions on her exquisite face and felt his bodytightening. It was as if they were alone. His eyes drifted over thecurve of her cheek to lips coated in delicate pink, emphasizing thelush bottom lip, before wandering down to the swell of flesh revealedby the cut of the dress.
Sweeping back to hereyes, his bold glance transmitted a clear message to her. He wouldsoon find a private place and sink deep into her. A sensuous smilecarved his lips at the flustered look on her face as she received themessage.
“You did thaton purpose,” she accused him. They were at the manor, where thereception was in full swing.
“I have no ideawhat you are implying.” He turned her smoothly around thefloor, his hands clamped possessively around her waist.
“That stunt youpulled while Gerrald and Julia were exchanging vows.” Tiltingher head, she gave him a look of reproach. “I was wet.”
He tutted, a grinsplitting his lips. “Shame on you, Mrs. Hadley. I suspected asmuch, hence the need for us to go into one of the little rooms at thechapel.”
“I cannotbelieve you lied to the woman there, telling her that your wife wasnot feeling well and needed a few minutes.”
He quirked athick brow at her. “It wasn’t exactly a lie. You wereflustered and needed my help.”
“And your helpwas locking the door and taking me against it. You areterrible.”
“Terribly in love and obsessed with mywife.” His head lowered, but before he could take her lips withhis, she moved her head. “You are not starting that again. Istill feel awful that we did what we did in the chapel, no less.”
“We aremarried,” he reminded her. Tucking a hand under her chin, helifted it to possess her mouth. With a sigh of capitulation, shewrapped her hands around his neck and returned the kiss.
Leaning weaklyagainst him, her entire body shattered, she took deep breaths. “Ifelt as if we were the ones saying those vows.’ She whispered.
“I felt thesame way,” he said somberly. “I was saying them in myheart, promising to love, honor, and cherish you beyond death.”
Lifting her head, shestared at him, her eyes blurry with tears. “Oh, Marcel.”
“Ready toleave, my love?” He asked her tenderly.