“That might bethe case, but you should watch your back.”
She pretended to beasleep during the ride back to the townhouse, closing her eyes andturning her head away from him. After the conversation with Beth, herday had gone to hell. Unsurprisingly, he had felt the need to tellhis mistress the terms of their arrangement, but she was human enoughto feel betrayed and humiliated.
She had told Beth shedid not care, but that was a lie. How many people knew, she wondered.It was unsettling that the woman was still carrying a torch for him.Nikki had seen her at the charity function last night anddeliberately ignored her. Beth had warned her to watch her back, andshe had no idea what that meant.
“You werenapping.” He teased as soon as they got out of the car. “Niceof you to keep me company on the drive back.”
“I was tuckeredout, " she said lightly as they made their way up. “Ithink we should eat on the patio.”
“I was thinkingthe exact thing myself.” They had already showered and changedat the club. “Why don’t you set up while I go and callMatthew? Let him know this thing is in the bag.”
She nodded andwatched him bound up the stairs. Turning into the kitchen, she tookout the pot roast the housekeeper had left in the warmer, and eventhe delicious aroma did not entice her.
Automatically cartingthe things out, she set the table and selected a bottle of Cabernetfrom the rows of shelves in the pantry. She was just putting thesalad bowl down when he came out.
“First,”Snagging her hand, he turned her around to face him, golden eyesscrutinizing her face. “What is it?”
“What iswhat?”
Cutting off animpatient sigh, he cupped her face between his hands. “We madea promise last night to get everything in the open. What is botheringyou?”
“Can wesit?”
“Sure.”Letting go of her, he went to pull her chair out and then took hisseat across from her.
Taking a deep breath,she began. “Beth is an associate of Simone Wellington.”
“I see.”Stretching his legs out, he gave her a bland look. “And?”
“They attendthe same Pilates class.” She fiddled with the silverware andavoided his eyes. “It seems she has been talking-”Lifting her eyes to his, she continued. “About the reason wegot married. You told her.”
He did not deny it.“Not the specificity of it. I told her it was an arrangement.That’s what it was to me, and I was pissed.” He gave heran assessing stare. “It bothers you.”
“It shouldn’t.”Reaching for the bottle of wine, she was about to work the cork outwhen he took it from her. They waited until he had removed the corkand poured the liquid into the two glasses before resuming theconversation.
“Does itmatter?” he asked quietly as he handed her the glass. “Iwould like to think that we are past that now.”
“Were you inlove with her?”
Taking a sip of thewine, he stared at her over the edge of the glass, contemplating hisresponse. “I thought I was. She was vulnerable, or I thoughtshe was. She needed me.”
“And that’simportant to you.”
“I thought so.”
Chapter 13
Taking a sip of herwine, she waited for him to continue.
“Then I knew Iwanted more than a woman whose life is built around a man rescuingher. I saw you. At first, your aggressive way about you was aturn-off, but then I looked deeper and saw a strong and resilientwoman. One who cares about her clients and not just the bottom line.”
Putting his glassaside, he rose and came around to hunker in front of her. “Isaw you. Not just how exquisite you are or even how sexy andcompletely irresistible you are. But the way you own the room youwalk into.
Your personalityvibrancy is how you make people notice you without even trying.“Taking her hands in his, he stared at the rings he had placedon her finger that fateful day; he believed he was being railroadedinto a marriage he did not want.