Page 57 of Marcel

“I know itsounds farfetched-”


Closing her eyesbriefly, she twisted her chin out of his hand.


“No.” Sheshook her head. “I am in love with you, and what you choose todo with it is up to you. I just thought you should know.” Shestarted to climb off him.

“Where are yougoing?”

“I need to getsome sleep. We have that tennis match tomorrow with those newclients, remember?”

“Is that it?You dropped that on me, and now you are opting to go to sleep?”

“What do youwant me to say, Marcel? I humiliated myself by baring my soul. What?You don’t believe me, and I can’t say I blame you.”

“Why not?”

“From whereyou are standing, it seems like I am into this thing because of whatwas offered. It’s fine-”

“Is it?”He asked her mildly. “Am I allowed to have my say now?”

Staring at him, shenodded.

“Good.”His arms were loose around her narrow waist, his amber eyes holdinghers in an intense gaze. “I decided a couple of weeks ago thatI wanted this marriage. Do you know why?”

She shook her head.

“I was alwaysattracted to you, Nikki. Ever since you kissed me at that function tomake a point, I was hooked, and no matter how damned hard I tried tofight it, I couldn’t. On our honeymoon, I tortured myself, butI was pissed at being manipulated by both my father and you, so Idecided to make a point.”

Lifting a hand, hecupped her cheek tenderly. “When I came up here after our fightand I saw you standing by the bed, naked, I realized that I wantedthis to be real, and I did not care why you became my wife. I am inlove with you-”

He stopped when tearsslowly trickled down her cheeks. “Hush, baby,” hewhispered, drawing her closer to him so that he could capture hertears with his tongue. “This is supposed to be a happymoment.”

“It is.”She whispered achingly, leaning into him. “Marcel?”


“I love you somuch.”

“I love youtoo, my darling.”

“Do you believeme?”

“Yes.”Twisting her head around, he took her lips in a kiss that seared herflesh and had her clinging to him.


“Enough!”Gary Addleston called out, holding up his hand in defeat. “If Ihad a white rag, I would be waving it now. Marcel, you never told usyour wife was a beast at this game.”

Marcel smiled andtossed him a bottle of the sparkling water provided for them. “Sheis constantly surprising me.”

“And she ishardly out of breath.” His wife, a petite, attractive brunette,observed in admiration. “Where did you learn to play likethat?”

“In college.”Tugging off the headband that kept her hair from falling over herforehead, Nikki stretched out on the chaise and twisted the cap offher bottle before taking a deep swallow. “I am verycompetitive, and I actually like tennis. Thanks, darling.” Shegave her husband a warm gaze as he handed her a towel.

“I will be overby the pool as we try to recover from the workout you put usthrough.” Bending at the waist, he kissed her lingeringly onthe lips.