Page 52 of Marcel

“He had apenchant for taking in lost causes, stray animals, and scholarshipkids at that fancy boy’s school he and his brother attended.There was this Indian boy who was being constantly bullied,regrettably because of how different he was and the fact that hisEnglish was not quite good.

Marcel went out ofhis way to befriend the youth. Of course, his friends disapprovedthat he had made friends with the kid. And they gave him anultimatum. Drop the kid, or they wouldn’t be his friendsanymore. He belonged to the most exclusive group at that schoolbecause of his looks and resources.”

“Let me guess -my husband ignored the warning and continued to befriend the youth.”

“Yes.”James smiled whimsically. “The other boys in the group startedshunning him to prove a point. What did he do? He formed his group,and it soon became even more popular than the group he had belongedto.

That went on forseveral months, and when they discovered that Marcel would not bendto their will, they had to give in. Your husband, my dear, has astubborn streak a mile wide.”

“And a goodheart.” Nikki mused.

“He accused meof pitting you two against each other and favoring you.”

Her tapered eyebrowslifted. “And it is up to you to disabuse him of that idea. Yourson is a brilliant idea, and as much as I know my abilities, Irecognize his value. He is a whiz at what he does.”

“I am aware.”James' eyes twinkled as he stared at her. “Is there any chancethat I will be looking forward to another grandchild soon?”

“You will justhave to wait and see.” Rising gracefully, she came towards himand kissed his cheek. “Thanks for everything.”

“You arecompletely welcome, and I feel that I should be the one thankingyou.”


“Can thiswait?” Marcel was already stuffing things into his briefcaseand watching the time. His legal secretary had made the reservationat one of Kane’s restaurants, and they were going therestraight from work.

“I am afraidnot.”

“What isit?” he asked, looking up as his brother entered his office andclosed the doors behind him.

“The gooddoctor put one over on us,” Matthew told him grimly.

Snapping the caseshut, Marcel gave Matthew his full attention. “What the helldoes that mean?”

“The man stucka gun in his mouth and ended his life.”

“What?”Lowering himself slowly into the chair, he stared at his brother.

“That’snot even the worst of it.”

“There ismore?”

“Would you Mindif I pour myself a drink?” Without waiting for his approval,Matthew strode to the cabinet and selected an aged bottle of scotch.


“He left a verydamaging letter with his attorney.”

“Saying whatexactly?”

“All thoseallegations he made in the meeting put in words on papers, not onlyto his attorney but to the press as well.”

“The goddamnedpress? How damaging is this letter?”

Taking his drink overto the comfortable sofa, Matthew folded his frame on it and stretchedhis legs out. “Incendiary. He implicated several of the doctorsas well as several members of the board.”

“Mom has a seaton the board.”

“Precisely.”Matthew rejoined grimly.