Page 39 of Marcel

She was in love with him,but he would not believe that.

Putting aside thecontract, she climbed off the bed and wandered around the elegant,appointed bedroom. From any direction, she could see the high-risebuildings of the cities, the lights shining like large bulbs on aChristmas tree.

She had toured theplace when she moved in and was fascinated by the astonishing beauty- the chic ultramodern designs, the wide-open spaces, the splash ofcolors on the walls, the thick lushness of the gold and tan carpetand the balcony - that was her favorite part of the entire building.

She walked over tothe sliding glass doors and pushed them open to step out on thesemicircular space with the sofas facing the wooded area, the treeswith the leaves stirring in the slight breeze.

The air wasclean, the moon lending its silver glow over everything in its path.Even up here, she could hear the trickle of water from the stream andthe moonlight glinting on the water from the pool.

Pulling her robetight around her naked body, she went to stand at the railing, herfeatures taut with worry as she stared off into the darkness. She wasmarried to a man who despised her, and the future looked bleak.

A man who was stillhung up on his mistress. Folding her hands together, she contemplatedher plight. She was strong. Her mother had taught her to beindependent and to think for herself. She had always been blunt and,even as a child, had refused to allow anyone to walk over her.

The loss of herfather and, following that, the mental state of her mother had thrownher for a curve, and she had almost lost herself. She was stillstruggling with it. She had had a very happy childhood and, as anonly child, had enjoyed the adoration of her parents.

Her mother had beenher best friend. She had been firm but gentle, and Nikki could tellanything, no matter how painful or embarrassing. The formerly strongwoman was now lying in an expensive nursing home, locked in a worldof her own because she had lost her husband, the love of her life.

And sometimes, itmade Nikki resentful. Her father was dead, and she was here alive andneeded her mother. It made her question whether or not her motherloved her. How could she lock herself away and not be strong enoughto bounce back, even for her daughter?

“How could younot know how much I need you, Mom?” She whispered achingly.“How can you not feel it?”

Turning away from therailing, she went back inside, determined to get some sleep.

Chapter 9

When she woke up thefollowing day, he was gone. The shower installation was wet,indicating that he had used it, and the damp towels were thrown intothe hamper. She had gotten a few hours of sleep, but the poundinginside her head warned her that it was not enough.

She quickly showeredand walked into the closet to select something suitable. The thingshad arrived from Romano’s, and the efficient housekeeper haddone an excellent job hanging and folding them.

Picking out aturquoise dress with a fitted bodice and tiny sleeves, she pulled itover her head and turned to look at her reflection. It molded to hershape, clinging to her small waist and the curves of her hips beforenarrowing to just above her knees. The dress and matching accessoriescame with a hammered gold belt.

Sitting on the vanitystool, she decided to use a little makeup to hide the ravages of herlack of sleep. The firm did not need to know that she and her husbandhad problems. She was going to pretend like hell that she was livingin paradise.

She would not giveMarcel the satisfaction of knowing she had spent the night yearningfor him. She had her pride if nothing else.

With that in mind,she picked up the tube of ruby-red lipstick and applied it carefully.Next came the eyeshadow and then the exotic-smelling perfume that hadbeen sent along with several others.

The shoes matched thedress. She slipped her stocking-footed feet into them and picked up athin cashmere jacket. It was getting nippy, even though it was stillsummer. Her hair was loose around her face, with curls floating downher back. Satisfied that she looked her best, she made her waydownstairs.

She had a newclient to meet with first thing this morning, and she was going to doher damn job.


“They arealready in Conference Room C,” Marge said as she handed Nikkithe files she needed for the meeting.


“Your husbandand brother-in-law.”

“I see. Thanks,Marge.”

“You lookstunning - even more so than usual.” The woman told her with asmile.

“What I wasaiming for.” Pasting a bright smile on her face, her coffee cupin her left hand and the file in her right, she marched along thepassageway until she came to the room. Conference Room C was one ofthe largest and most opulent rooms where they engaged new clients.

She could see herhusband conversing with his brother from her position outside theglass enclosure. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her composure andstepped into the room.

“Gentlemen.”Walking over to her seat, she put the folder and cup down and greetedMatthew, who had risen and was moving away from his chair to meet herhalfway.