Page 34 of Marcel

As soon as shestepped in front of him, he reached for the sponge and squeezed agenerous amount of gel.

“What are youdoing?”

“Bathing you.Turn around.” When she did, he curved a hand around her waistand started to run the sponge from her neck and then to her breasts,taking the time to circle the nipples until she was a trembling massof nerves against him.

Moving down herstomach, he concentrated on that area for a few seconds before movingdown to the curls between her thighs. Nikki gripped his hand, herbody arching and quivering as he moved the sponge with excruciatingslowness over the protruding flesh.

Twisting her headupwards, she begged for his lips, and he complied, crushing her lipsas he dipped the sponge inside her. A moan escaped her to beswallowed by his lips, and then another one as he slipped a soapyfinger into her.

Ending the kiss, hedropped the sponge and lifted her so that her legs were wrappedaround his waist. Pressing her against the tiles, he pierced her withan erection so complete that it was close to bursting.

Bending his head, heravaged her mouth as he drove into her, his wet body slapping againsthers, the need to devour her so great that he was almost out of hismind.

Lifting his head fromhers, he arched his back as the orgasm, the power of it, had himdriving into her and pinning her against the tiles. She came then,calling out his name as she leaned drunkenly against him, her bodyweak and shattered.


He did not sayanything to her after that. They had finished bathing and used thetowels to dry themselves before entering the bathroom. He waitedwhile she got dressed before going downstairs. He ensured she lockedthe doors, engaged the alarm, and followed behind her until theyreached his townhouse.

“I have somethings to do.” He said gruffly as soon as they entered thebedroom.

Now, he wascloistered inside his office, doing God knows what. The man was asprickly and unpredictable as a porcupine, and she would not spend therest of the night after experiencing something extraordinary,thinking about it.

She was emotionallyexhausted. She had run the gamut from grief to depression and then apassion so powerful that she was still reeling from it. He had madelove to her three times, and the last time, the one in the shower,had been so potent that it had bowled them over.

She had a feelingthat was what was bothering him.

Turning to the side,she switched off her lamp and closed her eyes.

Marcel was notworking. He had closed the door to maintain privacy, but he could notopen the damn folder. On his phone, he saw that Simone had called himseveral times and left messages. But he was not in the frame of mindto call her back.

What had happenedbetween him and Nikki at her place was sharply etched on his mind,and he could not stop thinking about it. He had behaved like arutting beast, especially the last time in the shower. It was as ifsomeone or something had taken over his body and left him with littleto no control.

He had no idea whatit meant, but he knew without a doubt that things had changed betweenthem and had been changing between them ever since that first kiss.

Leaning against thechair, he closed his eyes and brought back the memory of her warpedaround him. God, she was addictive! he thought wryly. The feel of herslender curves, the taste of her against his tongue, and themuskiness of her arousal were still obvious to him.

But there was stillthe nagging thought that she had married him for his money or hisfamily’s influence. The nursing home where her mother wasstaying was one of the best in the country, rather like a five-starhotel.

He completelyunderstood why she wanted the best for her mother because she lovedthe woman very much. But he still could not know that she had usedhim to get what she wanted. His eyes popped open as the truth hithim. He was violently attracted to her, and he wanted more.

Chapter 8

“Where is he?”Nikki demanded as she marched into the assistant’s office.

“He is in therewith-”


“Mrs. Hadley,you cannot-”

“That’sright.” She snapped at his assistant, her eyes brimming overwith fury. “I am Mrs. Hadley, and I am marching into thatgoddamned office, and no one is going to stop me.” Turningaround, she pushed the doors open.

“Gentlemen,”Marcel rose gracefully to his feet. “I believe you already metmy wife?”

“I need a fewminutes with my husband.”

“She looks likeshe is about to make trouble for you, Marcel,” The eldest ofthe three joked as they rose and headed for the door.