Page 18 of Marcel

She had hoped hewould join her, but apparently, her husband was still mad at her. Shehad seen him watching her when she returned to the bedroom wearingthe swimsuit. She had also noticed the banked fire in his eyes,evidence of his arousal.

She was so deep inthought that she did not hear him approaching until he hunkered downnext to her in her line of vision with a basket in hand. He had alsochanged and was wearing a black T-shirt and cargo shorts.

“Daphne packedbreakfast,” he said casually.

“I smellcoffee.” sitting up, she pulled her knees up to her chin.

“There is athermos.” Opening the basket, he took out bowls of fruits andyogurt. Taking out the thermos, he poured the steaming coffee intotwo cups and handed her one.

“The Greeks eatlight - breakfast and lunch, with the largest meal served duringdinner.”

“This is good.”She murmured, sipping the coffee.

“I never askedif you take anything in your coffee.”

“Usually, Iwould have a latte, but this is fine.”

“I also had noidea that you are a swimmer.”

“Were youworried?” She lifted her tapered brows as she stared at him. Hehad brought a towel, and it was spread alongside hers. He was sittingon it, his long legs with dense dark brown hair stretched before him,and he looked relaxed.

“A little.”He shot her a glance. “You are very good.”


“Where did youlearn to swim like that?”

“I was alifeguard in college.”

His brow lifted.“Really?”

“Yep. I did oddjobs to help pay for my board and food. I was on a partialscholarship, which meant expenses had to be met. I waited tables,worked as a bartender, did dog-walking, and cleaned offices once.”

“Quite anexperience.”

“Yep.”Her eyes twinkled as she stared at him over the cup. “I evenmodeled one summer.”

“Why didn’tyou continue?”

“You mean makeit a full-time career?”

“No. I meant,go with it while you were going to college? Surely the money wouldhave helped to pay for everything?”

“It was takinga lot of my time.” Picking up her bowl, she dipped the spooninto the creamy yogurt. “And the guy was getting a little toohandsy for my comfort. I did not want to sway from my charteredcourse. I was determined to be a lawyer and decided nothing wouldstop me from being one.”

Turning his headaway, he gazed into the water and did not comment for a few minutes.Nikki looked at his profile and wondered if she should say anything.He had come to her as she hoped, and she did not want to do anythingto spoil it.

“I am not goingto sleep with you.”

The comment had herstarting, the coffee almost spilling.

“Okay. Whynot?”

Turning his head, hestared at her, a slight smile touching his lips. “It’sgoing to complicate things, and I am not ready.”

“We aremarried.”

“Yes, we are.This is a marriage I did not agree to. I must sort things out beforedeciding on my next move.”