Page 15 of Marcel

His eyes flickeredopen, and she could hear her heart thumping unevenly inside herchest.

“If you tell mewhat you are looking for, I can help.”

“I prefer to domy search. How long have you been awake?”

“I felt youreyes on my face. It woke me up.”

“That’snot a thing.”


At least he was nottrying to get away from her, she thought in relief. “Youcarried me here.”

“I figured youwould be more comfortable in an actual bed.”

“I was - Iam.”

His eyebrows liftedat her confusing statement, but he did not comment. “Hungry?”

“Yes. No.”She shook her head. “I could eat.”

“I will ringfor something from the galley. Anything in particular you wouldlike?”

I want you to makelove to me. She said silently, willing him to enjoy the same thing.

“Whatever theyhave.”

Keeping his armaround her, he picked up the phone and placed the order.

“Lobster soundsappealing.”

“It does.”Her hands curled into his shirt as she angled her head to look athim. “How often have you been to Greece?”

“A fewtimes.” His arms were around her slender body, and it feltnatural. “Why?”

“I have neverbeen.”

“Then you arein for a treat. How familiar are you with Greek mythology?”

“As much asanyone interested in that sort of thing, I suppose.”

There was a discreetknock on the door before it was pushed open, and the flight attendantcame in bearing a tray.

“Please set iton the table, Gloria; thanks.”

He waited until thewoman had left and closed the door behind her before nudging her wayso that he could retrieve the tray and place it over their laps.Lifting the silver cover, he released the scent of creamy lobster andbaby potatoes covered in herbs.

“The myth wasthat Jason and the Argonauts left Crete to return home and spent thenight on an island called Anaphe.” He handed her a glass ofwhite wine before resuming the story.

“One of theArgonauts, Euphemus, dreamed that he was making love to one ofTriton’s daughters’ and impregnated her. Long storyshort, the nymph gave him a clod and told him to throw it into thesea, and he did, hence the birth of Santorini.”

She gave him askeptical look as she nibbled on the soft lobster flesh covered inbutter.

“You don’tbelieve that, do you?”

He shrugged, a smileplaying around his lips. “I am certain you believe in SantaClaus, his elves, and the tooth fairy.”

“Not since Iwoke up when I was seven years old to see my dad placing a dollarunder my pillow in exchange for the tooth I had placed there,”she said with a snort that had him chuckling. The transformationtransfixed her. His amber eyes lit up, and his white teeth gleamedagainst his lips.