“I think Idid,” he said with a shrug.
“Does ithave anything to do with the lovely Simone?” Jackson asked witha snort. “I must tell you, man, the rumors were gettingvicious.”
“She needs me,”he said simply.
“And Nikkidoesn’t?”
“Look at her.”Marcel waved the hand holding the drink he had been nursing for thepast few minutes. “Does it look as if she needs anyone?”
“That’s agood thing, and I have always found independent women a distinctattraction. What I never liked was another man’s wife.”
Marcel looked awayfrom his friend’s direct gaze. “Neither did I. Simonetold me they were separated and on the verge of getting a divorce.”
“And youbelieved her.” Jackson snorted as he looked for his wife. Asmile tugged at his lips as he watched the woman who had asked himfor a donation of his sperm and then bowled him over until he becametied up in knots over her. As if she realized he was looking at her,she lifted her head and sent him a smile that made him feel weak.
“Enjoy yourhoneymoon.”
Chapter 4
She had fallenasleep, her head resting on his shoulder. He had been about tosuggest that she take advantage of the bedroom to nap, but he hadbeen on the phone dealing with a crisis, and she was asleep by thetime he finished.
“Mr. Hadley,”The flight attendant whispered, careful not to wake the woman withher head on his shoulder. “Would you like something todrink?”
“No.” heshook his head. “An extra blanket for my wife.”
“Of course.”The woman glided off to get the blanket, and it suddenly hit him thathe had called her his wife. And she was. No matter the farce, she wasnow Nikki Hadley. Taking the blanket, he placed it over her, tuckingit around her to ward off the brisk cold air coming from the vents.
They had been whiskedfrom the reception to the hangar, where the plane awaited them. Itwould be a little less than twelve hours to land, and they werealready three hours in.
Which means that shewould be more comfortable in a horizontal position. Releasing theclasp of his seatbelt, he eased away slowly and turned to scoop herup into his arms.
A smile touched hislips when she simply burrowed her head into his chest, her arms goingaround his neck. She was still fast asleep. Striding swiftly into thestateroom, he discovered that the bed was already turned down.
Putting her down, hegently pulled her hands away from his neck and settled her againstthe pillows. Drawing the quilt over her, he stood staring at her,noticing the long lashes against her caramel skin.
Her hair was loose,and she had changed from her wedding finery into a soft cashmereorange blouse and had teamed it with a pair of cream dress pants.
He was turning toleave when he turned back. He could have also had some sleep, as hehad not slept well last night. Too many things on his mind. Toeingoff his shoes, he went to the other side and climbed next to her.
At first, he hadtrouble falling asleep. Her exotic and subtle perfume suited her verywell, and the scent of her tingling his nostrils. Turning on hisside, he tried to keep his distance, holding his body rigidly awayfrom her. With a deep sigh, he gave up the battle and edged closer toher, one arm thrown around her waist.
Nikki woke up an hourlater to feel the unfamiliarity of a body against hers and amasculine arm around her waist. It took a few seconds for the memoryto come rushing back.
She was on her way toher honeymoon destination, and her new husband had carried her tobed, and he was holding her against him. She had changed positionduring the nap, and her head rested on his shoulder.
Lifting her headslightly, she was treated to an unrestricted view of his incrediblyhandsome face. His lashes were long, like a girl’s, she thoughtwhimsically. His brows were thick, his nose patrician straight, and acleft in the middle of his stubborn chin. A lock of thick hair wascurling on his forehead, giving him an endearingly boyish look.
His mouth- she felther body quickening as she stared at the pair of sensuous lips thatshe had tasted at the function. They had participated in the kissafter being declared husband and wife, and somehow, he had managed toavoid repeating it during the reception.
When the glasses hadclinked, indicating they should kiss, he had merely brushed his lipsagainst hers. She was trying hard not to show how affected she was byhim and wondered if he would consummate the marriage.
She was going to tryher best to make that happen.
“Have you Foundwhat you are looking for?” His eyes were still closed, but alazy smile curled his lips.
“Stilllooking,” she said lightly.