Page 9 of Marcel

“The rumorsare bad, darling. Even at my yoga class, that’s the height oftitillating discussion. Simone goes there, too.”

An irritated sighescaped him. “So, I am trapped.”

“She isbeautiful, exceptionally so.”

“And she knowsit.” leaning over, he kissed her cheek. “Go back to theparty.”

He was getting intothe car the valet brought when Simone hurried over and slid into thepassenger seat, eyes sparkling with tears.

“You cannot behere,” he said with a sigh as he drove from the entrance to thegarden area where they would not be noticed.

“You kissedher,” Simone whispered.

“She kissed me.And she did it because you were coming over. “Leaning back inthe seat, he closed his eyes. “I am getting married, Simone.”Suddenly, it did not seem so distasteful, and he could still tasteher on his tongue.

“You promisedto wait!”

“Until Peteragrees to give you an amicable divorce? He loves you-”

“I am in lovewith you!” Her hands gripped his, the tears tumbling down herpale cheeks. “You cannot marry her, Marcel. We planned that assoon as I am free-”

“Which will bewhen?” he asked impatiently. “We are fooling ourselves,Simone. Peter will never let you go and what we are doing, us.”he paused and felt his heart constricting at the look on her face.“We cannot continue doing this, and you should go back there. Iam sure Peter, as well as others, will start missing you-”

“Take me homewith you.”


“Please.”She clutched at his hands. “I need to be with you. We haven’tbeen together for ages-”

“That’sbecause you originally told me you were separated, only to discoverthat you are still involved.’ Pulling his hands away, he turnedto face her. “Rumors are spreading about us, and I mustconsider the firm's reputation. I am asking you to understand.”

“You aremarrying her?”

“I don’thave a choice,” he told her quietly. “Please go backinside, Simone; we will talk tomorrow.”

“Can we gosomewhere for lunch? Our usual spot?”

“I willcall you. Please.”

Waiting until shewas back inside the lobby, he pushed the start button and headed out,his mind in turmoil.


“Where the hellhave you been? Or should I guess?” Peter’s fingers duginto her arms as he hauled her into one of the empty conferencerooms.

“Were youspying on me?” She tried to drag her arm away, but he heldfast.

“My wifedisappeared almost as soon as that son of a bitch did, and peoplewere staring at me as if they knew something I didn’t. So, yes,I came to find you.” He shoved her against the wall, hisexpression livid.

“What? Did yourun crying to him after that heated kiss he exchanged with NikkiJohnston? Darling, they looked like they were about to make loveright there against the wall.”

“Shut up!”she whispered.

“He does notwant you, Simone.” His expression gentled. “All he wantedwas a quick tumble in the hay, and now he was done. He shook her. “Heis a Hadley, and even if I were to give you a divorce, which I amnot, he would not marry you.”

“Why do youstill want me?” she asked, her face crumpling. “I am inlove with-”

“Don’t.”He said harshly. “I love you, dammit. I have given youeverything. I took you out of that hellhole you lived in with yourmother, and I married you. I have given you so much-” Taking adeep breath, he steadied himself.