Page 9 of My May

“Logan,” she moans, as my cock hardens against her stomach. I notch my cock at her entrance and push into her again, her legs wrapped around me, I fuck her until neither one of us can breathe.

* * *


“I’ll take this one,” I say to the clerk behind the counter of the jewelry store. It’s nowhere near the ring she deserves, but it’s what I can afford right now. It’s a square cut solitaire diamond, the smallest one, but it will still tell everyone on the planet that she’s mine.

“Very good, sir. I’ll get this rung up for you. Cash or credit?”


“Of course. One moment.”

I leave the jewelry store with a black velvet box in pocket, ready to make May my wife.

As I’m walking to my car, my phone rings. It’s a number I don’t recognize, but I answer it anyway.


“Hello, Logan Maddox?”


“Hi. Mr. Maddox. This is Captain Jones from Alexandria PD. I just wanted to personally inform you that you’ve been selected for our police academy. It’s a twenty-week program in Ashburn. It begins in Late July.” A week after I graduate from college. Finally. It looks like everything is coming together.

“Thank you. I’m looking forward to this opportunity.”

“More information will be forthcoming via email, but I wanted to congratulate you.”

“Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.”

We hang up and I get into the car. This is good news. I can’t wait to tell May so we can celebrate.

And celebrate we will.




Things have been crazy lately but in a good way. We have been hot and heavy since our last date, and it feels like we are a real couple. Actually, I said that once, and he flipped out. He bent me right over the couch, I had to hurry up and put my hand on the arm so my stomach wouldn’t be pushed against it, and he fucked me hard, making me say over and over that we are a real couple, he is mine, and I am his. He wears me out every night and falls asleep with me in his arms. Every night, we do something: go to the movies, an adult-only craft fair, or simply walk up and down downtown. It has been Amazon, but it is always clouded by the fact that I am keeping this massive secret from him and the closer and closer we get, the guiltier I feel. It has been so long that now there doesn’t seem to be a good time.

Aside from life with Logan, work has picked up. The comments during the meeting further stoked interest in me and my sisters. Now, all of them are convinced that he might be the donor, so the question is, how do we get the DNA?

Aside from that, they put me on the project working for the new environment initiative. Some days he is in the meetings, and I find us both staring at one another. We look away quickly, but the implication is there. Could it be?

Right now, I am taking a much-needed lunch break because the vomiting has passed. The baby now likes to eat on a schedule and snack whenever it chooses. Speaking of, I have an ultrasound coming up in a few days. I am super excited to see the baby and its progression. I haven't had an ultrasound since I was six weeks and first got confirmation.

“May, hey, girl.” Turning, I wave to June. She has her tray of food and sits next to me. “I feel I haven’t seen you in ages. What’s been going on?” She is the only person aside from my sisters that I remotely confide in, and even she doesn’t know about the baby. “I’ve been seeing you come in and out of the configuration room lately on my way to my team's offices.”

“Yeah they have me on a new project.”

“That is awesome. Congrats!”


“And at home?” My entire face turns beet red, and I look down for a moment before looking at her.