“You were a dick.”
“I was honest.”
We stared at each other, both of our eyes narrowing as we got ready to argue. Sounds of the pack getting ready to fight a pack war drifted in between us. I let out a sigh.
“You could have been kinder.”
Cannon’s lips twisted into a sneer but then smoothed out just as quickly. “Maybe I could have.”
We held each other’s stare. “That was almost mature of us…”
Cannon grinned. “An adult conversation. Us?”
I returned his grin. “Wow, who knew that being bonded meant we wouldn’t scream and shout at each other?”
Cannon scoffed. “Barbara.”
“Huh?” Looking around, I thought she was near. “What happened with her? Is she okay?”
“She’s a druid.”
If he had led a conga down the street naked, I would have been less surprised. “She’s a what now?”
“A druid.” The storm was back in his eyes. “She’s also the reason you have a passenger.”
He nodded grimly. “And she drugged me with milk and cookies.”
My burst of laughter died under his icy stare. “Sorry.” I smothered my smile behind my hand. “Are you okay?” His glare intensified, and I knew it was because I was trying not to laugh. “Why would she drug you?”
“She said it was for both of us.”
“I didn’t have any milk or cookies.” I knew I was laughing at him, but he was just so big, and milk and cookies? Seriously?
“Shut up.” He turned to look up the street, his cheeks flushing.
“Where’s Barbara now? Making more sugar cookies?”
“You’re evil,” he told me with a smile playing around his lips. “No, actually, she’s gone.”
I gave him a worried look. “What do you mean? Gone?”
“I mean she drugged me and then ran for it.”
“But you’re fine.” He gave me a flat look and I rolled my eyes. “Your ego’s hurt.” I checked him worriedly. “Right?”
“Maybe.” He refused to meet my eyes, and I knew I was going to laugh again.
“Then why would she run?”
“I don’t know. If she comes back, we can ask her.”
I snickered. “Your face is a picture.”
Cannon growled at me, but he was looking around the empty streets. “My pack’s quiet.”
I choked out a snort of derision. “Quiet? All morning they’ve asked me a hundred thousand questions.”