Would I punch the shit out of him when I was free? I could guarantee it.
Was he in over his head as much as I was? Perhaps he was.
And I didn’t know what to do with that.
He’d taken me. Tricked me into leaving Cannon. Landon had been so vile and toxic that day in the study, I’d believed he was the worst thing I was facing. If he’d told me… I wiped tears away as I thought about the last time I saw my alpha. If Landon had been honest, Cannon would have helped him. I know he would.
We would have done it together.
And maybe…just maybe, Cannon would be alive.
The tears fell freely as I slowly retreated into my misery. This is how Landon found me hours later, curled in a ball in the seat, worn out.
“Kez,” he sighed, stooping to pick me up. Carrying me a few feet to the bed, he placed me gently on top of the covers. “What can I get you?” he asked gently, stroking my hair back from my face.
“My brother.”
His smile was pained as he watched me. “You know I can’t.” Landon gave a half shrug. “Kris has not cooperated well.”
“Is he hurt?”
He looked insulted that I’d asked. “No! Luna, Kez, it’s Kris! He’s with Cass.” Landon appeared relaxed as he leaned backward. “They’re mates, remember?”
“For how much longer?”
Landon didn’t meet my eye when he answered. “For now.”
I didn’t think I could cry anymore, but the tears spilled over. “You’re going to kill him?”
“No.” He didn’t sound convinced, and truthfully, I wouldn’t have believed him anyway.
Not for this.
His father, Bale, had shown unrivaled hate when he struck me; how would he be different toward Kris? Kris was an alpha, whereas Bale wasn’t. Kris, my father’s son, was mated to Bale’s daughter. It must have been the final thing to make Bale snap. I had no other reason for his behavior. It was so contrary to everything I knew about him. Sure, he was a dick at times, and he had forbidden my shift until I was fourteen, but I’d never thought he would be this.
“Where are we?”
“Not far from the pack,” Landon answered easily. “If you’d gotten off that chair, you could have looked out the window.”
“I could do a lot of things.” Turning onto my side, I stared at the closed door. “The door’s a sham like everything else.”
I felt Landon move on the bed, no doubt looking at the door as I faced it. “What makes you think that?”
“It gives the illusion of privacy, but what is the point when the camera sees it all anyway?”
Strangely, I felt his reaction, and despite his attempt to hide it, the small jerk of his body as he caught himself from turning to look at the camera told me more than he intended.
Landon never knew his camera was switched on.
“Do you want food?” he asked me as he got off the bed.
“Kezia, you need to eat, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe. I told you that before.” Closing my eyes, I wished for sleep. An escape from the nightmare I was living. “I’ll eat when I’m hungry.”
I heard his sigh, but wisely, Landon said nothing, and moments later, he left me in the room again. For hours, I lay on the bed and watched the door, the faint glow of the camera in the corner watching me.