Page 86 of Wolf's Endgame

His back was a mess of bloody scratches, and with a glance at my hands, I saw blood under my nails. “Um…I think you need to shift, to heal.”

Cannon kissed me softly. “Savage little mate.”

“What the heck was in that potion the shaman gave me?” I asked ruefully as I stretched my arms over my head. “That was…unexpected.”

Cannon shook his head from side to side, almost as if he was shaking his head clear, before coming to a complete standstill. “Kezia?”


“There’s a very big fucking rabbit with red eyes, eyeing us as if we’re dinner,” he spoke quietly.

Following his line of vision, I held back the gasp. I’d never seen a rabbit so big. “Did we just screw that into existence?”

Cannon’s snort of laughter broke the stare off. The rabbit turned on its heel and ran for it. The alpha and I both shifted at the same time, and soon we were running after it.

What a wild and crazy day this had been, and as we chased down the biggest rabbit ever seen, I knew I wouldn’t have changed one moment of it.

“That’s a big rabbit.” Royce eyed the beast thoughtfully. “Is it supposed to be eyeballing me like that?”

Drinking my coffee, I leaned casually against my alpha’s chest. We were on a couch in the study, he was sitting behind me, and I was using him as my support as I leaned against him. “It runs quicker than a wolf too.”

“No shit? Really?”

“Almost broke my neck trying to catch the darned thing,” Cannon said, sipping his coffee. His head bent to speak in my ear. “You comfy there?”

“I’m deliciously comfy,” I told him as I burrowed in deeper.

“You two make me nauseous.”

“Liar,” I teased Royce. “You love it.”

He gave me a look that told me I was right, but he wasn’t admitting it. “The pack’s ready to move when you give the word, Alpha.”

I felt Cannon tense slightly, but then he relaxed once more. “I’ll check everything over before I give the order.”

“Of course,” Royce murmured.

Sitting up, I turned to look back at Cannon. “Are we ready?”

Lifting me off his lap, Cannon stood. “We are ready. I’m up-to-date with all the preparations. I’ve given my orders, and most of them have been followed.”

“Most of them?” I hesitated. “You’ve done what? How are you up-to-date? You’ve been with me the whole time!”

“I’m alpha to my pack, Kezia. Because I’m with you doesn’t mean I am not with them.”

“Huh?” The mindlink meant that he could talk to any of his pack. “Are you always with them?” My gaze darted to Royce, who was studiously examining the bookshelves.

“Not all the time.” Cannon winked at me, and I knew I was blushing.

“Why is the rabbit in the study?” Royce asked suddenly, obviously keen to change the subject.

“Because the shaman told us to put it somewhere until he needed it,” I told him, leaning back on the couch, which was no longer as comfortable without my alpha to lean on.

“So…we’re keeping it? Like a pet?”

Cannon and I exchanged a look. “We don’t know,” Cannon admitted. “It’s as unknown to us as it is to you.”

“Have you asked him?”