Page 80 of Wolf's Endgame

“I don’t.”

“Why?” she challenged me.

She always challenged me. “Zia is the shifter who fights in human rings, defies pack laws, and unfairly battles weaker opponents. I don’t like Zia. Zia cheats.”

“Wow. Say what you really think,” she muttered.

“If you don’t want the answer, don’t ask the question,” I snapped back at her. “Why are you even asking me this?”

“I like Zia.”

“Your parents named you Kezia. The woman I know…” I hesitated. “The Kezia I know is strong and courageous.” I ran my eyes over my mate’s body. “Zia is a fraud, Kezia is real.”

“My brother calls me Kez.”

“He’s your brother; he’s allowed to call you anything he wants.”

“Of course, there would be a different rule for Kris.” She blew hair out of her face in exasperation, and I tugged her towards me.

“Okay, this is stupid. What are you really asking me, Kezia?”

“Why does he get to go, but I can’t?”

“I explained this. There will be pack left behind, they need someone to lead them just as much as the pack that goes with me.” I saw her eyes narrow. “Plus, Kris isn’t carrying around an uncontrolled spirit who is trying to take over his body.”

The very fact that she rolled her eyes at me when I said that made me love her more. Insolent and challenging. Life was never going to be dull with my mate in it.

“I can control her.”

“You gave yourself over to her.” I started stacking the packs. “I don’t think she is going to be too amused you rescinded on that when she comes forward next time.” Side-eyeing her, I tried to remain casual. “Have you felt her presence?” Kezia shook her head, avoiding eye contact. “Do I need to ask again, Kezia?”

“She’s dormant.”

“You sure?”

“Yes!” Finally, eye contact. “I don’t lie to you all the time.”

“Just some of the time?” My mate stuck her tongue out at me, and I laughed despite her nonsense. “You drive me crazy.”

“Good, you deserve it.” She feigned a scowl, but the corner of her mouth was already tugging upwards in a smirk.

“Do you understand why you can’t come?”

Kezia sighed. “I do…”

“But?” I repressed my own sigh as I waited for her reasoning.

“But I think I’m in more danger of her coming out when you aren’t here.”

The lightness I’d been feeling slipped away like oil on water. “What do you mean?”

Piling her hair on her head, Kezia looked at me and shrugged. “Being with you, near you, I don’t feel her. My wolf and I are content, but when you aren’t here, I don’t know…before when you were gone, she would feel more present.”

Frowning, I scanned the crowd for Doc. No, not Doc, he had fucked up. I would forgive him—I basically already had—but I didn’t want him near Kezia with this. “Come on, we need the shaman.” I took her arm and started walking.

“We do?”

“You think we don’t?” I asked over my shoulder, and seeing her agreement, I hurried us through the crowd.