Page 11 of Wolf's Endgame

Where are you? Moonstar? Where are you? I need you…

Silence was my answer.

The slow burning on my wrist reminded me that I was contained far more effectively than simply chained to the wall. The silver wouldn’t allow me to shift. It also kept Moonstar subdued but not contained.

I was weak. For weeks, I had let my grief consume me, I hadn’t eaten, and my strength was gone. What chance had I left myself to escape? Cannon would be furious with me for lying down and accepting what had been done to me.

A cramp in my lower belly caused me some discomfort, and I knew my mind was listening to my body now. That I was listening to my body. I needed to eat.

Landon needed me to play along. For me. For Kris. For Cass. For his mom. His family needed me as much as I needed my brother.

Needed me? What did he think I could do? I was just…me. If I had the strength, I could fight, but I couldn’t rely on Moonstar. Even though I had called for her, I had little doubt that my passenger wouldn’t take my form and save only herself.

Or was I being too harsh?

I wished Cannon was here. Or the shaman.

The shaman. Where the hell was the shaman?

There was no way he related to this, I knew that. I hoped that. I had to have hope.

And I needed answers.

I lay awake, anticipating Landon’s return, and the subtle movement of the bed made me realize he had joined me while I was asleep. I felt him curl his body around me, spooning me, and I forced myself not to react.

“What time is it?”

I felt his start of surprise. “Too late for you to be awake.”

His fingers tangled in my hair before smoothing out to glide his hand over my hair. It was a new habit he seemed to have developed, and I hated it. Moving away from him, I felt his hand fall to the thin mattress. “Don’t do that.” My voice was barely a whisper.

I expected him to listen; I didn’t expect Landon to pull me into his body or for his hot breath to be on my neck. “Fight me, but not too much,” he breathed into my ear. When his hand moved under the shirt I was wearing, I reared off the bed, my legs shaky as I spun to confront him, my fists raised.

“I said don’t fucking touch me,” I snarled at him in the semi-darkness.

Light flooded the room, and I squinted at the sudden brightness. Landon moved from the door where the light switch was and walked around the side of the bed until he was in front of me. Even with my nerves strung tight and my body prepared for the unexpected, I still saw the familiar gleam in his eyes as he watched me. I also noted he stood with his back to the camera.

With easy insolence, Landon crossed his arms across his chest. “Kez,” he said with firm disapproval. “Why are you being like this?”

I almost lowered my hands in shock. “What?” I gaped at him and was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. “Are you joking?”

He gave a half shrug. “Look, I get it, you liked the alpha bastard’s dick. But he’s gone. You’re here. I’m here. We’ve fooled around before.”

My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth as he casually spouted lies. My eyes flicked to the camera once. Landon followed the movement and grinned.

“Ah, you’re worried my dad didn’t know about you and me?” His eyes held a warning that I wasn’t sure I was reading properly. “He knows. I mean, I told the whole pack you’re my mate, babe. Stop this. It’s silly and you’re fooling no one.”

“I was with Can—I was with the alpha of Blackridge.” I swallowed hard past the tears that threatened, the thought of saying his name too much for me.

“Yes, and like I said when I came and got you, that’s over. It was time for you to come home.” Landon looked me up and down. “I am your mate, Kez, it’s my children you will have, and it’s my son who will be an alpha.”

“Son? Alpha?”

Landon looked me over critically. “You’ll need a few more pounds on first. You’re practically scrawny.” He walked around me, and although I flinched from his touch when his hand cupped my ass, he didn’t stop until he was in front of me. “When you’re healthy, which won’t take long, not the way you eat, Dad has said if you continue to be no trouble, we can mate.”

“Fuck off.”

Landon took a step forward, his thumb pressed against my bottom lip. “Lose the attitude, or lose the right to be my mate. Which is it?” When I went to speak, he spoke over me. “It’s always been me and you, Kez. Sure, I’ve fucked around, you’ve fucked around, but it’s me and you, babe.” Hard blue eyes watched me. He’d angled himself to give his side profile to the camera. When I didn’t answer, because I couldn’t answer, he rolled his eyes. “I mean, I didn’t fuck a human?—”