Page 106 of Wolf's Endgame

Someone stood close to us, the echoes of the fighting distant but still around us. “Cannon, his claws, they’re tipped with silver.”

I heard Cannon’s roar and I closed my eyes. I could feel it within me, and I knew I was too weak to resist it this time. I’d lost too much blood. The wounds were too deep.

“Kezia, sweetheart, shift for me.”

And I couldn’t. I knew I’d had my last shift. Opening my eyes, I met his green ones. They were almost glowing in the darkness.

“Hey,” I whispered. “Did we kill him?” Warmth trickled down my chin, and I knew it was blood.

“Don’t speak.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

Someone pressed into my side, and with effort, I turned my head and saw my brother. He was bloody and looked wrecked, but he was alive.


As Kris reached out to stroke my hair back, I could feel him recoil at the touch of my bloodied hair. ”You’re so grounded,” he muttered.

“I’m—” I coughed and it sounded wet. “I’m mated now.”

“I don’t give a fuck.”

He looked over my prone body to Cannon. “We need to combine our Wills.”

“Wha—” My eyes closed. I was so tired. Peaceful darkness tugged at me.

“Stay with me, Kezia,” Cannon ordered, and my eyes snapped open.

If we combine our Wills, we can force the shift.

Who was talking?

Show me.

That was my alpha, I’d recognize that bossy tone anywhere.

Pressure surrounded me. Forcing me into a hole I couldn’t squeeze into. Pain that had numbed me erupted anew, pouring through my veins like molten lava.

I screamed in agony, my back arching off the ground, as suffocating weight pressed all around me, and then there was nothing.



Walking down to the kitchen, I wasn’t surprised to see Royce making coffee. “You’re up early.” He grunted as he filled the filter with grounds. “You sleeping okay?”

He gave me a flat stare. “Sure.”

I nodded. Right. “Yeah, I know.” I took a stool and watched my closest friend make the morning coffee. Was it morning? I hadn’t looked outside in days, not since we had returned to the pack. Beaten, battered, but not broken.

My bunker had far more prisoners in it than it was accustomed to.

“Any change?” Royce asked gruffly as we waited for the coffee to brew.

“I think her eyelid flickered.” He said nothing and I didn’t blame him. It wasn’t really a conversation starter. “You speak to Doc?”

“Yeah, his jaw healed faster than I thought.”

I nodded. I had punched him when I learned that he had let the two of them walk past him. Hard. It cracked something, but I was more inclined to believe it may have knocked some sense into him.