“We’re off the clock, right? I need to take a break from here for a bit. Forget dead bodies, forget the task force, just forget everything. Will you come with me?” Morrisey couldn’t believe he asked, but right now, he suddenly needed Farren like he needed air. He handed the keys over after a brief hesitation. “I’m in no condition to drive.” The confession drained him completely.
Farren said nothing, merely took the keys and got into the SUV, adjusting the seat and mirrors while waiting patiently. He had his phone out, talking low when Morrisey finally extinguished his cigarette and got in. “I understand. Yes, sir. I’ll tell him.”
Fuck. “You’ll tell me what?” Morrisey’s voice came out on a pack-a-day growl.
Farren returned his phone to his pocket, then gripped the steering wheel with both hands. “We’re to file our reports on what we found, then the case is being handed over to someone else.”
“What the fuck?” People might've heard Morrisey's roar all the way to Augusta. "The victim is with Atlanta PD, and I have the right to track down those motherfuckers and make them pay."
To his credit, Farren kept his voice composed. “Which is precisely why we can’t take this case. You’re too close and have a conflict of interest. You might blame the first traveler you see.”
Morrisey couldn't hide his irritation. “Which would be you.” No, not fair. “Sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”
"I don't take a life if I don't have to. And I’d never do what we saw in the alley.” The clench of Farren’s jaw gave away his irritation. “I build a portal of my own and transport the offenders to oblivion.”
“But you can’t make a portal for Domus.”
“I can’t. Nor any other realm.”
Yeah, made sense. Still, Morrisey didn’t have to like it. Even so, with Farren convinced he couldn’t reach Domus, had he even tried?
“Besides,” Farren said, “you and I are the only two members working the field and can spot travelers on sight. We’re needed elsewhere.” He put the vehicle into gear and slowly exited the parking lot, plastering on a smile for the gate guard.
Morrisey folded his arms tightly against his chest, staring out the window without really seeing. A short time ago, he’d not known about travelers, alternate realms, or any of this bullshit. Now, he found himself neck-deep in murders he might never fully understand.
And he stank to the high heavens of dumpster.
Uncomfortable silence rode with them, darkness both outside and inside the vehicle. How Morrisey wished Farren would offer reassurances, make things all better.
But no. Years of hard-won lessons had taught him sometimes there was no simple answer. But would Morrisey ever be so casual as Farren amid so much otherworldly shit?
Probably not.
Farren parked facing a boarded-up convenience store and placed a hand on Morrisey’s shoulder. “Look, I know you’ve been thrown into this, and some of your first encounters with travelers haven’t been good. But please. I’m on your side and want to get these assholes just like you do. Remember, I’m not your enemy. Neither are most other travelers. There's both good and bad in any group. If I can help you in any way, just tell me.”
Tempting, oh, so tempting. Morrisey turned his head, finding his face far too close to Farren’s. For one insane moment, he felt like pressing their lips together, just for the contact, the need to feel close to another person.
Farren finally closed the distance. They connected, their tongues winding against each other. Farren wrapped his strong arms around Morrisey, applying the right amount of pressure to hold his broken, jagged pieces together.
Morrisey didn’t fight the embrace. He wanted, no, needed, the embrace. He broke away when the need for air grew too great, wiping his damp eyes with his hands. “Sorry.” Seemed he was making a habit of needing Farren’s touch.
Farren managed a weak smile. “Nothing to be sorry about. Humans take comfort from touch. I said I’d do whatever you needed.”
Had the kiss been only about making Morrisey feel better? The past few moments soured.
How pathetic was he to get a pity kiss?
They gazed at each other for several moments. Heat bloomed deep inside. Desire. Need. Lust. Morrisey’s entire body cried out for Farren’s touch.
“What the hell’s going on?” Farren's voice barely registered in Morrisey’s hearing. “I feel drawn to you as though you were like me. I keep trying to fight the urges, telling myself nothing can come of them, that it’s just my human host’s influence. But then I see you like this. Vulnerable and lost, and I see so much of myself there. Me, Aluxi, and also me, Farren. The growing bond between us won’t take no for an answer.”
Who moved first? Who cared? Morrisey lost himself in the slide of tongue against tongue, a deep groan rumbling from Farren’s chest.
Farren pulled back, eyes closed. “Let’s take this somewhere else,” he said, opening his eyes, nearly paralyzing in their intensity. “Your apartment?”
Throat too tight to speak, Morrisey merely nodded. Aluxi. Farren’s former name?
Farren drove a little faster than normal, clutching Morrisey’s hand all the while. The two of them reached the apartment building less than ten minutes later, then raced each other upstairs. Who had time for an elevator? Morrisey didn’t even bother to ask how Farren knew his address or even the right parking space.