Page 53 of Darkness

“What about her car? Cell phone?”

"They found her car in the hospital's parking garage, and her phone lying nearby."

Morrisey huffed out a breath. “Lucky someone didn’t steal it.”

Farren relaxed enough to smile. “They did. We found it anyway, at a pawnshop where the thief tried to sell it.”

“Sometimes I hate people.”

Farren quirked a half smile. “They’re not so bad. Or most of them aren’t.” If he told himself the lie enough times, perhaps he’d believe it.

Morrisey sneered. “Yeah, right.”

Okay, no time to get into Morrisey’s grudges against his own kind right now. “We received no reports of attacks or sightings. Looks like our traveler is lying low.”

“Or they left the city.” Morrisey leaned close, studying the nurse’s picture.

“Doubtful. Travelers seem to settle around other travelers.” Morrisey’s cologne reminded Farren of a summer day. Humans often covered their natural scents with chemical products. In Domus, Farren could’ve identified a perpetrator through scent alone.

Morrisey scrutinized Farren with his dark eyes. “Why?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe some are afraid to venture far from where they arrived.” Although Farren hadn’t minded leaving LA. One traveler of his acquaintance lived a reclusive life in a cabin in the mountains.

“Couldn’t the traveler have taken another body by now?”

“Body exchanges require a great deal of energy. Our traveler is an occisor and likely won’t abandon the nurse unless absolutely necessary. In that case, we’d likely have found a body, and we’re monitoring the morgues.”

Morrisey folded his arms over his chest. “Ah, I see this job is going to be just as pleasant as my last one.”

“I’m sorry to tell you, but it’ll probably be worse. We have a bulletin out on Ms. Henry.” Farren minimized the nurse’s picture to click on an image of the house from Morrisey’s last case. “Am I right in thinking you want to continue with your last case?”

Morrisey sucked in a breath. Some color drained from his face. “Damned right I do.”

“Okay, we have our interview from the hospital. The children saw nothing, and we found no fingerprints. Of course, some travelers can hide their presence. We haven't fully explored the range of talents a traveler might gain after reaching Terra." Farren shrugged. If humans new the full extent… Then again, even Farren didn’t know. And he should. Had someone higher up in rank considered such? “Three attackers carried out the murders, given the condition of the bodies, though one sustained severe injury.” He opened a folder on the desk. “Here’s the autopsy report on the first victim.”

Morrisey studied the report, barely flinching at the graphic details, having seen the carnage firsthand. “Occisors are sick bastards, aren’t they?”

“Yes. Their goal is to get as much terror out of the victims as possible. Then they feast on the emotion.” If Farren hadn’t been watching closely, he might’ve missed Morrisey’s shudder. So, he wasn’t impervious after all.

“How soon until they strike again?”

“A kill of this nature could hold them over for three to six months. We’ll need to find them before then.” Farren prayed to whatever deity might be listening for the occisors to be found before more innocent people lost their lives. Domus didn’t have anyone to pray to. His cell phone rang. “Austen,” he answered, not bothering to check the screen. Only his team had his number.

“Where are you? Is James with you?” Tension filled Leary’s words, which might or might not mean problems. Sometimes he forgot niceties in conversations. Okay, most times.

“I’m in Morrisey’s office,” Farren replied, a little kick in his chest warning of danger. “And yes, he’s here.”

Leary blew a long breath over the phone. “Look, I know he’s new, but there’s been activity at Veronica Henry’s house. I need you to go.”

Farren stored details in his memory, disconnected the call, and told Morrisey, “I think our nurse tried to go home.”

Without batting an eyelash, Morrisey stood. “I live to eat and kick some ass, and I’ve already had breakfast.”

He might work out after all.

If he survived the day.
