Page 134 of Darkness

Farren sought Jessa and Colm. Jessa huddled under a table. Colm was nowhere to be found.

Asher faced off against Morrisey, so far holding his own against the onslaught. He gestured wildly.

Morrisey didn’t seem to notice. All of Farren’s remaining human coworkers were dead, their bodies taken over by frantic travelers.

Those remaining fought or ran for the doors. The outcome didn’t change. One after another, the portal pulled them in.

The fury lessened, bodies were scattered on the floor, unmoving, while fewer souls slammed into the portal and disappeared.

All the while, Morrisey held his pose, oblivious to all around him. Or was he? He finally dropped his arms, popping his eyes open, and stared open-mouthed at the carnage.

Few remained standing.

Asher sneered. “Even with all your power, you can’t kill me. I’m invincible.”

“No, you’re not. I saved you for last.” Morrisey’s eyes flashed, as did the portal.

Asher wailed, clawing at nothing. His body shuddered, convulsing. No, not convulsing.

His soul ripped free. For a moment, Asher appeared in his true form, the lightness of his being twisted to obsidian with evil. Wickedly long teeth in a barely recognizable mouth, appearing more occisor than human. Or even Domusian.

Long, wicked claws grasped at air, swiped at Morrisey, but disembodied, held no power. The creature swirled and twisted, then plunged into the portal.

The air stopped swirling, the silence nearly deafening after the turmoil.

Morrisey stood amid the chaos, breathing hard in and out. His aura no longer appeared as darkness but contained streaks of light.

Farren’s influence.

Morrisey dropped to his knees, eyes unfocused, and fell on his face on bloody carpet.

Once more, bodies flooded through the doors. Farren crouched. “Morrisey? Morrisey! We have to go.” No way was any of them up to taking on more enemies, especially not with the portal closed and Farren too tired to summon one.

Two men in dark suits with buzz cuts strode forward while others kneeled by the dead and dying.

“Special Agent Owen Carter, FBI,” one man said, flashing a badge. “Who is in charge here?”

Farren looked around. No sign of Leary. Had he somehow escaped? “I seem to be the ranking team member. Agent Farren Austen, FBI Alternate Entities Task Force.” Would these guys even understand the significance? “Forgive me for not showing my badge. I don’t seem to have it on me.”

The agent held out his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Sorry, we thought there might be trouble, but got word too late.”

The moment Farren’s hand connected, a jolt of familiarity shot up his arm. “You’re Magestra.”

“All my team are,” Carter said. “They’re triaging. Who on your team needs help?”

Farren sat, gently rolling Morrisey over. “Agent Morrisey James.”

Carter tipped his head to the side. “He’s not Magestra. I can’t feel anything from him. I sense darkness, but…”

“He’s Princeps. And responsible for most of this.” Farren looked toward the bodies. “He banished the travelers who gave the rest of us bad names.”

Carter put his fingers to his lips, emitting a piercing whistle. “Medics!” To Farren, he asked, “Where’s your medical facility?”

“Below us. My badge wouldn’t get me into the building, so even if I could find it, I might be locked out of the lower floors, too.”

“Don’t worry.” Carter gave the briefest flicker of a smile. “We’ve got a traveler for that.”
