Farren used soft tones to explain. “Most of us have no desire to hurt anyone. Some have taken humans as mates and have human children. Before you ask, children born of traveler-human pairings don’t have special powers, as they are of the inhabited body. Don’t let a minority condemn a whole species. Would you have us judge you for your criminals?”
Now for Morrisey to deliver a little hard truth. “Leary, there’s no fucking way humans can defeat us if we combined forces against you. You’re not in a position to bargain. Either work with us, or condemn so many innocents to the evil of those like Asher. Let us help you. Don’t tie our hands.” Not that a little thing like Leary’s disapproval would stop Morrisey from going after Asher.
Leary deflated, the anger disappearing like a popped soap bubble. “What do I have to do?”
Chapter Forty
“I’m Magestra. It might not work on me.” Farren seated himself on the couch in the safe house’s living room. This was a test Leary and other humans didn’t need to know about—at least not yet.
“I’ll do it.” Jessalain slunk into the room, wearing skinny jeans and a T-shirt most likely loaned by Arianna since the jeans didn’t look like they were meant to be capris and the cotton strained over Jessa’s breasts. She sat next to Farren on the couch. “What do I have to do?” Jessa. Always eager, but possibly not the best choice. Her connection to Asher left her compromised.
Farren voiced his concerns. “How do we know Asher won’t summon you and demand to know our plans?” Given their history, it would be nice to trust Jessa, but Asher still held her leash.
Jessa curled her lip. “I’d never willingly answer the call, let me assure you.”
“But he’s got a hold on you.”
“I’ve felt Asher a few times since we got here, but the pull isn’t strong. I can resist. The more travelers he tries to control, the weaker his connection to me, but I don’t think he’s realized yet since I know when to play along. Right now, he’d have to be pretty darn close to compel me to his will.” She turned soulful eyes on Morrisey. “Please? I want to help.”
Farren eyed Morrisey. “Can you block him?”
“I can try. But how can I test the theory?” Morrisey met Farren’s gaze, conveying your call with a half-shrug and raised eyebrow. He waved a hand in a carry-on gesture. If he thought this might be a bad idea, he’d say so.
This environment was about as controlled as they got. If Asher tried to commandeer Jessa, better to know now when they stood a chance of fighting. Farren gave Jessa a quick once over. “We need you to attempt your powers on a traveler.”
She threw back her head, emitting a throaty laugh. “I’m afraid you’ll need another volunteer. You two would only hurt my feelings.”
“I didn’t mean one of us.”
“Good, because we’d all just be wasting our time.”
Who else might be around? Oh, yeah. “Sykes!” Farren called.
Sykes strolled into the living room, wearing blue jeans and a gray hoodie. His feet were bare and he munched on the burrito that had been smelling up the whole lower floor. His dark waves swept back from a face made to grace magazine covers. If Farren didn’t know better, he’d swear Sykes was Jessa’s male counterpart.
Sykes scarfed down the last of the burrito, licked his fingers, then stood a few feet from the couch, one hand rammed into his pocket. “What you need?”
“Jessa is going to attempt her powers on you. Morrisey will try to block her.”
Sykes took a healthy swig of the beer he pulled from his hoodie pocket. “Give it your best shot, darlin’.”
Jessa pulled her lips back in a sultry smile and sauntered across the floor in a smooth glide. Intent gaze locked with Sykes’s, she walked her fingers up his chest in a move likely to bring many men to their knees.
Farren divided his attention between Jessa and Morrisey. Morrisey stood by the fireplace, face devoid of emotion. The lust in the room rose, coming from Sykes.
The energy abruptly cut off. “Hey!” Jessa exclaimed. “That felt like a slap.”
Sykes grinned. “Oh! Fun! Can we try again?”
“Yes,” Morrisey said. “We have to make sure I can do this at will.”
Jessa and Sykes went through the motions again and again. Each time, Morrisey nullified Jessa’s influence.
“Cock blocker,” she growled in mock anger.
“One more time,” Morrisey insisted. “If I ever have to block someone, I need to know I can.”
Sykes pressed a hand to his chest, pouring on the drama. “If I must. You know it’s so off-putting having a beautiful woman try to seduce me, but what the hell? I’ll take one for the team.”