Page 118 of Darkness

Farren glanced up sharply. “Me? I’m fine. Why?”

“You’re nervous.”

Farren snorted. “Damn, your ability to read emotions.”

“It comes in handy.” Morrisey grinned.

“It’s Leary, the task force, and all the way up to the president. They’re regretting their decision to let travelers settle here.”

Morrisey dipped his chin. “The decision was just a courtesy. You know travelers go where they want. Although from what I’ve learned, only a fraction of those who came here actually found hosts. We’re not as many as you might expect.”

“The government doesn’t know, do they?”

“There might be others besides myself who came here as children and don’t even know.” Morrisey didn’t envy the poor buggers once they found out.

“I don’t see how. But yes, I suppose it’s possible.”

“We must be ready. It’s pretty hard to wage war on an enemy when they feed on your emotions.” Also hard to imagine himself fighting for the other team when, mere weeks ago, Morrisey imagined himself an ordinary human.

Farren gave Morrisey’s fingers a squeeze. “True.”

Morrisey reveled in the touch, lacing his fingers with Farren’s. “But while we protect travelers, we also have to protect humans from those from your… our realm who want to take over.” Would he ever get used to the idea of his whole life being a lie? He couldn’t blame his adoptive parents. They didn’t know, so they couldn’t have told him.

“Leary worried about our association. Thinks we might be plotting. I suppose you’ve noticed how few travelers FAET has.”

“I’ve noticed. I take it you found Asher, the train murderer, kidnapper, black market body salesman, snake in the grass, and all-around asshole?” Morrisey would like to open a whole can of darkness on the motherfucker.

Or a good old Southern redneck can of whoop-ass.

“No. I hate to say he’s still out there somewhere. How did you get away from him?”

Morrisey winced. However, if he couldn’t trust Farren, who could he trust? “I… learned to feed from humans, but also from travelers. The human didn’t survive. Asher killed him."

Farren didn’t reply, merely caressing Morrisey’s fingers, all bright eyes and understanding. Once more the not-quite-connection made itself known, leaving Morrisey yearning for a closeness currently right past his reach.

The bond. He and Farren were from the same realm. The tier system didn’t exist here. Would letting the bond have its way really be bad?

Thoughts for another time. One pressing issue would have to be addressed sooner rather than later. “How can we punish travelers who break the law?”

“They’re generally banished, though I’m not sure if that will work with our realm gone. Where will we send them?”

“Send…” Seeing Farren here, now, apparently okay, derailed Morrisey’s thoughts. He’d gotten through a few rough days by imagining Farren—usually naked, in various sexual positions. “Would it shock you to know the only thing I’m plotting is how to get you to my bed?”

Farren laughed. “What?”

“I’m not sure why. I just need to get you naked and hold you, if nothing else.” Maybe clinging tightly to Farren would help make sense of Morrisey’s strange new world.

Farren gave Morrisey’s hand another squeeze. “Whether or not you understand it, you’re grieving. So am I. Our kind like contact. But to be honest, I’ve seen your apartment off the compound. I’m not sure there even is a bed under all the clutter since your kidnappers didn’t go easy on the place.”

No, Morrisey bet not. “Good point. And the gray abyss is out.”

“One of our traveler coworkers has a safe house.”

Someone planned ahead. Good. “Then we’d better get there.” Morrisey gave a grim smile. “It’s a whole new world out there. We need a safe space to figure out what to do next.”

“Two other traveler agents were on site, along with Arianna, security guards, and other employees. They’re hiding in the safe house. When the realm fell, we all felt it. Twice.”

Morrisey paused, considering. “I think the first time was when the elder shoved me through and closed access to the human world. The second was when the realm failed completely. I felt it too.”