Page 110 of Darkness

Aluxi. Yes, Farren. Morrisey’s heart jolted. “If few who go there can come back, how do you know all this?”

“Some Princeps can return. How do you think you arrived here? But we of the ruling council cannot remain there.”

Half-Princeps, too, if Asher spoke the truth about his abilities. “Why not?”

The woman shook her graying head. “Sadly, we must die if others are to stand even a chance of being accepted into the human world. Our very nature will pit us against humans. But not you, who grew up as a human. Your task is making sure our race survives.”

Morrisey turned to Krista, whose sad smile barely turned up her lips. “Here, we’re gifted with specific talents to perform intended tasks. At our age, we can’t change, so we’ll do what we can to get as many of our people to safety. But we can’t save them all. Even now, we lose more territory with each passing moment. There are unscrupulous types who are promising our citizens a new life in the human world at significant cost. We can’t allow such treachery to continue.”

“Why not send everyone at once?” As he spoke, the truth came to him. “You can’t.”

Krista shook her head. “No, we cannot. It takes all of our combined energy for one at a time, and once they reach the other side, they must find a human host. Can you imagine what would happen if we sent thousands at once?”

Morrisey shuddered to think.

Krista continued, “Not all those sent make it across the divide. Some who do don’t keep the full memories of who they are or their purpose.”

A being in the guise of a human man who’d remained silent spoke. “Once we’ve accomplished our purpose, we’ll close the realm and resign ourselves to our fates. You’ll remember what we teach you. You’ve met the light, for you have his essence in your aura. Have you not started to remember your heritage?”

The disjointed shit in Morrisey’s brain? “Maybe.”

“The one who stole you as an infant needs you to legitimize his claim. He had no power here and now craves it more than anything despite the cost to others. Those like him must not be allowed to succeed. He’s corrupted what humans call his soul beyond redemption.”

“What do I have to do?” Morrisey probably shouldn’t have asked. Maybe he was still in the basement, dreaming.

“Lead,” the man said, a touch of amusement in his rich baritone. “Quietly and capably, you will lead. You’ll face opposition from both humans and some of our kind. You must prevail.”

What the ever-loving fuck? “Me? I’m no leader.” Who in their right mind would follow Morrisey to the corner store, let alone in life?

“But you are. You come from a long line of rulers. It’s what you were born for. Your destiny.”

“Who were my parents?”

“Agnetis and Petrus.” The man inclined his head. "My friends."

Agnetis. Fuck. Agnes. All this time, Morrisey had been naming his weapons after a parent. How’d he know, having left Domus as an infant? Must be a traveler thing.

“Petrus’s youthful dalliance and, later, an ill-advised decision led to the birth of your mortal enemy. You must correct the mistake.”


“Banish the one who claims to be your brother. Conquer his followers.”

Banish Asher? How? Morrisey threw back his head and laughed. “Me? You actually believe that I can save the world?"

“No. Not this world. It’s lost already. Just care for our people. Your people. Give them a chance to survive.”

The room shuddered. Morrisey grabbed the table, as did the others. Krista cried out beside him.

And vanished.

Finally, the shaking stopped. Only three others remained at the table with Morrisey. None of them had spoken before.

“What the fuck?” Morrisey bellowed.

A man slowly shook his head. “More of our world dying. As you can see, we’ve lost additional members, for we once numbered in the hundreds. We must act quickly.”

“And do what?”